The Talk

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Andy Biersack as Ethan

I haven't been to school for two days

My 'father' hasn't been home for two days

It was bliss, until last night

I have never been more looking forward to go to school in my entire life, he had come home bad, like really really bad, said that he owed money to people and they were gonna hurt him if he didn't pay up

I don't really know what happened to be honest, one minute he was mumbling to himself and the next I had been thrown across the room, he went crazy, shouting, kicking, punching, scratching, all at me.

He left in a hurry afterwards, rushed out the door leaving me a battered mess, I was able to pull myself from the floor and into my room but I didn't sleep, I was to scared so I waited

Not long after 12 the door slammed open and moans and banging against the walls were heard as my dad and his new conquest for the night made there way through the halls and up the stairs

I let tear after tear fall, I tried to block them out with my pillow but it didn't work, I just lay curled up in a ball forced to listen to the man who used to be my dad and a random woman go at it like they were bunnies.

I don't know what time it was but when I was woken up by my alarm the whole house was quiet. I carefully pulled myself from my bed and made my way to my closet, picking out dark blue jeans and a big jumper, making my way to the bathroom I took my time in getting ready, knowing that my dad would only wake up around noon and would be even more angry that his food was cold instead of not having any at all.

Once I had gotten ready I got my make up out, ready to cover my whole face but found that apart from the old bruises and cuts, my face was somewhat clear

He must have just kept to the rest of my body

When I was done with my makeup I made my way back into my room, grabbed my backpack and carefully walked down the stairs, making sure to avoiding all the clothes and beer cans scattered.

I had 40 minutes until school started and it was only a 15 minute walk but with my current state I knew I had to leave now or I wouldn't make it to my first class on time.

The walk was quiet, which was the only time the area I live in would ever be quiet but I enjoyed it. Everything hurt as I moved but I pushed through the pain and focused on how I needed to get to class before I ran into Molly and Jake.

Once I was inside the school I made sure that none of Molly's followers were there to rat me out and I made my way to my locker. Once I was done, I walked to class, the halls were bare, barely anyone around to terrorise me but it almost felt too bare, like I could tell something really bad was going to happen.

I continued down the halls but the feeling of being watched made me stop and turn, I immediately hated the feeling, I could feel someones eyes on me but there was no one around when I looked, I continued to walk down the hall but my heart rate picked up when I realised that no one was here except me.

My heart started to race and the feeling of someones eyes on me intensified, I quickly turned again, my breathing rapid but when I didn't find anyone there I turned back but this time I was greeted with a wide muscular chest that had a black t-shirt stretched across it.

A gasp escaped my lips and I took a wobbled step back, my head shooting up and my eyes connecting to forest green ones filled with all kinds of darkness.

I could feel my arms shake and my palms sweat with the nervousness I was feeling but I couldn't seem to speak. Xander's hair was a mop of brown curls that fell over his forehead, he had such a sharp jaw you could cut an apple with it and he had full pale lips but they were set into an angry straight line.

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