Meeting Xander

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Xavier comes in on this part and i finally found a way to introduce him.
Xander is portrayed by Stephen James



I walk out of my last class which happens to be English. I don't have any of the 'popular's' in any of my classes so far which is a relief but i have a feeling inside of me that something is going to go extremely wrong today more so than usual. I turn the corner for my locker and open it putting in the English notebook i had just used, i am about to close my locker and go to the library for my free period when i am pushed into the locker next to me, i hold in a whimper of pain that threatens to come out of my mouth from the agonizing pain shooting up and down it again. I try and keep my gasps to myself knowing that if i made a sound it would only encourage them.

I look up to molly and her horrible minions and silently breath a sigh of relief when i see it isn't Jake. One of them thankfully closed my locker but giving me a dirty glare after she looked inside, probably because there isn't any mirrors or anything inside of it for her to check herself out in.

My thoughts are interrupted by horrible yet familiarizing sting that was delivered by a sharp slap to my cheek that, of course, was given to me by molly, i look up to her again to see her hazel eyes blazing. "when i am talking, you listen. I shouldn't have to repeat my self and waste my time with someone like you" she sneers the last word making me flinch at the amount of hatred it has behind it. I nod my head, silently telling her that i understood knowing that if i talked without her telling me to, i would be in even more trouble.

" At lunch i want you to come to the cafeteria and i know that we have lunch at the same time so if you are not there then there is more to come of that" she said the last part gesturing to my cheek "got it?" again i nod my head in understanding. "good, go" she sneers again, turning her nose up at me, as if i am some peasant which in her mind (and a little of mine) i am . I take conscious, slow steps away from the group, still looking at at molly to see what she would do, when all of a sudden she turned to me and shrieked "what are you still doing here, leave!" i jump at her shriek and turn to run without any of my books considering i am just going to be sitting in the library but instead i bump into a hard chest, landing on my bum with an "Omph". The crowded hallway turns silent and when i mean silent i mean you could hear the heavy breathing of a kid in the crowd with a nose so blocked that the teachers in the teachers lounge would complain. I frown at myself for that horrible thought and instantly apologize to the kid in my head. I mentally scold myself for getting distracted by myself again.

I hold my breath as i know there is only one person in this whole school that could make everyone go silent just by crashing into someone, especially someone like me and it is not Jake Black.

I start shaking because i already know who i have crashed into, taking a small breath i glance up at the hard brick wall and when i see who it is, it feels like all of my worst dreams have come true and i can sense that all of the color drained from my face. My hands start to shake as i stare at him.

Xander Bow 

I remind my self that these are the first signs of my panic attacks and that i need to calm down because molly is still here along with the rest of the school and she of all people can not find out about my one weakness.

Xander is not your typical bad boy, well sort of, he still skips class, is the mysterious type and sits with his 3 other brothers at lunch but what makes him different is that he is a Bow Brother. Xander has 5 other brothers

Aiden is the oldest at 22

Mason at 20

Xander at 18

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