waking up

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Maisie above 

My head was pounding, my whole body was sore and it felt like someone had taped my eyes shut.

I could hear voices but they were muffled, I put all the effort I had into listening and they finally cleared up "shut up" a somewhat broken voice said, it sounded like a boys voice as it was breaking through puberty.

"I'm just saying, it has been 3 days why isn't she awake" a more stressful voice said, it sounded strained and panicked

"Maybe she doesn't want to" all of a sudden there was a smacking sound and a high pitched 'ouch' "what was that for?" the same voice yelled

"Don't speak like that about her" a husky deep voice said "what? She could, but I'm saying she may not want to" a defensive voice came back another smack was heard and then a door slamming.

I tried to move my finger and when it did I focused on opening my eyes, a bright light shinned straight in my eyes making me snap them closed and I let out a tiny whimper.

"did you hear that?" one of the deep voices whispered loudly. "yes you idiot, she is probably waking up, dim the lights will ya" this voice was different, it wasn't as deep and mature but at the same time it sounded intellectual.

"girl who's name we do not know, open your eyes" a overly dramatic voice persuaded me. I carefully peeked one eye open and then the other.

Suddenly a very handsome boy with a devilish grin appeared in front of me making me let out a high pitched squeal. I sat up quickly and shuffled away as fast as I could to the other side of the sofa while the young looking boy jerked away with a rather girlish scream.

He was yanked out of the way by a very much older looking version of himself. I placed a shaky hand to my chest and tried to control my breathing. As I was trying to get it under control, I took a good look at the three boys that were all staring at me with confused expressions.

Suddenly, it hit me like a truck and my heart rate started to speed up again

I was in there home, I was in there house, oh my!

The bow brothers house

Before I even knew what was happening I let out an almighty scream and I was scrambling back and over the end of the sofa, landing on the floor with a thud, the boys immediately started yelling and covering there ears, while I tried to scramble to me feet, my weak legs protested and wobbled but I managed to steady myself with the side wall.

"Geez women, what was that for?" the guy I woke up to shouted at me, making me flinch. I cowered into the wall and started to look for an escape "Don't even think about it" the eldest Aiden growled when he saw me eyeing the door on the other side of the room, I was closer than they were and would probably be able to get to it faster and find a way out of this place.

I pondered on it for a second, would I be able to pull it off? Movement caught my eye and I turned my attention away from the door to see Aiden slowly creeping towards me. My eyes widened and I made up my mind, I ran as fast as I could to the door, yanking it open and sprinting down the hallway.

I could hear 3 pairs of feet thunder behind me and started to panic when I could hear them getting louder and closer, what was I supposed to do?

I got to the end of the hallway and nearly cried in joy when I saw the front door, I ran as fast as my weak legs could carry me but just as I was about to reach the door, two arms of pure muscle wrapped around my waste and yanked me away from the door and off the floor.

I screamed and kicked my legs out as much as I could to try and get away, I screamed as loud as I possibly could but eventually my voice gave out and my already weak body started to drain the energy I had been saving.

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