I'm Out

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I am...

During the summer after junior year, Stiles was struggling with finding himself and portraying his emotions. He had always felt some sort of attraction towards the same sex, but he never acknowledged it. He always knew that girls were his main interest. So when he first met Lydia, he didn't even had to think twice about it. Something about her made him fall to his knees and worship the ground she walked on.

His insecurities had always eaten him alive when it came to the opposite sex. He always wondered what it was that girls wanted from him. He had decent good looks, a good sense of humor, and a decent body. Sure, he wasn't in the best shape like most guys at his school, but he wasn't a big ball of lard either.

Always being rejected by the one girl he always wanted, Stiles finally reached a breaking point. Eventually he stopped chasing after Lydia. Especially after the whole kanima situation and the whole saving Jackson's life thing. After Jackson moved to England, Stiles feelings for Lydia had slowly disintegrated.

Now, Stiles was struggling with his attraction towards boys. He got tired of chasing after girls because apparently nothing he did made him feel good enough for them. He started to mess around with Danny at the beginning of the summer. He felt as if the whole situation stirred him up internally even more. Stiles liked the feeling of being with a boy, but he was still missing something. Something meaningful. A connection. He didn't love Danny that way. He broke things off with the Hawaiian jock, but they still ended up staying friends. Danny was looking for love, but Stiles was not the one and vice-versa. 

After they broke things off, Danny promised Stiles that he was not going to mention a thing to anyone about what they had shared together. Stiles wanted to come out on his own to his friends and dad when he felt ready.

On a Saturday afternoon, Stiles was playing video games in his room when he received a text message on his phone from Derek.

It read, "Mandatory pack meeting in an hour. Meet at my loft. I have some news to share with everyone, so please don't be late".

Stiles did not feel like attending. All he wanted to do was eat ice cream and play video games all day. Although he was curious as to what the "big news" was about. But honestly, he had no choice. He knew Derek would probably bite his head off if he didn't show up. So he showered, changed into fresh clothes, and made his way to Derek's place.


"Since everything has been surprisingly quiet around Beacon Hills for a while now, I have made a decision to try and live a normal life...uh..so I thought about getting a job. I've been working on applications for the last month and I finally got a response from one...I..I'm going to be the new history teacher at Beacon Hills High School. Which means I'm going to get to see all of you everyday now. I'm probably going to end up stabbing myself with pencils everyday, but I'll heal" Derek chuckled as he told the pack the big news.

Everyone was happy that Derek was actually trying to be normal for once. The whole pack shared a group hug and congratulated Derek on his new job and lifestyle choices.

After the big announcement, everyone just went on and just chilled at Derek's loft. Stiles was lost in thought on the couch. He kept thinking about how now was probably his chance to tell everyone about himself. Everyone was there. Erica and Boyd were on the other couch talking and fulfilling their daily routines which consisted of fighting on who loved each other more. Lydia and Allison were on their phones shopping for clothes and God knows what else. Scott and Isaac were devouring an entire box of pepperoni pizza they had ordered. While Derek was on the counter filling out the last bit of paper work for the school.

"Hey guys...I have some news to share as well..". Stiles got up slowly and everyone looked at him.

Stiles was starting to get nervous as he put his glass of orange soda down.

"Stiles? Is everything alright?" Erica asked him.

Stiles just nodded.

"For the longest time, I have been struggling to accept something about myself..and it has been eating me alive on the inside...as a pack, you guys deserve to know who I truly am and I just want you to know that I hope that this doesn't change anything any of our friendships..I...I-I'm bisexual...I..think..I just thought...I should let you guys know...now...now that we are all here reunited...and I figured since Derek shared his big life altering news, I should...share mine with you guys as well".

Everyone was quiet for about a minute as they just stared at the awkward teen. Stiles couldn't take the silence and kept hoping that someone would speak up and say something.

"Is that why you've been so distant lately?" Allison asked him.

Stiles just nodded and lowered his head to the ground. Erica got up from the couch and embraced him in a tight and warm hug that caught him off guard.

"You know you're like a brother to me and I will always love you no matter what. Besides, you're part of the pack and we have to stick together through think and thin. Through gay...straight..bi..whatever or whoever you know you are, it shouldn't matter. Because what truly matters is that we have you in our lives..." she said with a big smile on her face.

Allison and Lydia both got up and joined the hug telling him how much they love him and care about him no matter what. Then Scott approached them.

"You're very brave bro. Sharing something like that isn't easy. You know you will be my best friend no matter what". Scott said.

Isaac and Boyd joined the group/pack hug after Scott. Stiles felt tears forming in his eyes.

"Yo Derek! Come join the pack love!" Scott told Derek.

Derek just smirked at them and made his way to the group.

"You know, you still are the most annoying person I have ever met Stiles...but you will always be considered pack" Derek said as he joined the warm embrace.

"Aww I love you too Derek! I love all of you guys. I wouldn't ask for a better pack family".

to be continued...

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