Dark Side

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Will you return...

One of the perks of having a rich boyfriend was that you get to enjoy his lavish things. Stiles had never been a materialistic person, he just so happen to have fallen in love with a rich boy. But Stiles knew deep down that all the money and expensive things did not matter in the end. Those things were just little extras that came along with the boy he loved.

Stiles was driving the Porsche on the way to Lydia's party, and enjoying every minute of it. Jackson only allowed Stiles to drive his Porsche and no one else. Which made Stiles feel pretty darn special if anyone asked him.

The boys were on their way to Lydia's lake house for her Valentine's party event. Lydia moved the location at the last minute. Turns out Lydia's mom was out of town and left her the keys to the lake house in case she got bored.

They arrived and saw that the place was beaming with high school students from all over Beacon Hills. Some of them were drinking next to their cars, others were by the lake smoking, and the rest were inside dancing to Lydia's playlist.

Stiles and Jackson had a hard time parking due to the amount of parking space left. They walked past some of their friends from school and said their hellos. Stiles managed to see that Isaac was there. He was by the lake with some jocks from school. Stiles frowned. He knew that if he was there, Allison couldn't be too far as well. Isaac saw Stiles staring at him and just smirked back at him.

The couple made their way inside the lake house. Right away, it almost seemed as if they had walked into a club and not a lake house. There were strobe lights and people were dancing in the dark while consuming alcoholic beverages. Girls were grinding on guys and vice versa. There were even some guys dancing together in a sensual manner. Stiles started to move a little to the beat. Jackson just looked at him and raised his eyebrow.

"What? I like this song." Stiles said.

Jackson just laughed at him.

That's when the new Rihanna song started to play, and Stiles knew he could not resist the urge to dance along to it.

"Oh, we have to dance." Stiles said.

He grabbed Jackson by the wrist and pulled him into the crowd. They found a spot that wasn't too crowded and Stiles started to dance. He wrapped his arms around Jackson's neck while Jackson grabbed Stiles waist. Stiles started to rub his body all over Jackson. Jackson couldn't take his eyes off of Stiles. Jackson lowered his hand and grabbed Stiles ass. Stiles turned around and started to grind slowly on Jackson. The jock's hands were roaming all over the boy as he danced on him. Stiles turned his head a little and Jackson managed to kiss him. They made out and danced for a while.

They danced for an hour non stop. But to Stiles it felt as if hours had gone by. Stiles was getting a little thirsty and walked with Jackson to get a drink. All they had was beer, vodka, tequila, strawberitas, and water. Stiles just grabbed two bottles of water and handed one to Jackson. They made their way outside to the deck and just stood there looking off into the darkness of the lake.

"So...are you going to tell me where you're planning to take me after this?" Stiles asked breaking the silence.

"Uh...I don't know. Can't tell ya yet." Jackson said playfully while smiling at Stiles.

"Oh, come on. No fair. Tell me!" Stiles protested.

"Nope. You're just going to have to wait and find out." Jackson said and nudged him on his arm.

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