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So, it's a date?

A few weeks passed and Stiles could not get rid of the guilt he felt for leaving Jackson at the mall. Jackson told him it was alright, but he knew that Jackson said it out of courtesy. Ever since then, they hadn't interacted with one another. They said their hellos here and there, but it didn't get any further than that.

Every year, the pack would throw birthday gatherings for each member of the pack at Derek's loft. Erica's birthday celebration was coming up that Saturday, and Stiles thought that it was the perfect opportunity to make it up to Jackson by inviting him to the gathering. Stiles decided to ask Erica if it was okay to bring him to her birthday gathering.

"Hey, Erica! Listen, I was wondering if I could bring someone to your birthday gathering on Saturday?" Stiles asked her.

"Yeah! Of course! Who's the lucky guy?" she asked him while elbowing him on his side.

They were in the library and Erica was bringing in too much attention with her big mouth per usual.

"Shhhh! Could you be quiet! We're in the library Erica!" he whispered as he looked around.

"Okay! Okay! gonna tell me who it is or not?"

"Uh...I-I wanted to invite Jackson. Before you say anything, I just wanted to let you know that he's a nice guy now. You guys need to give him a chance. He's changed. He's not the same asshole everyone thinks he is. Trust me, I would know. I've hung out with him more than once and he's the sweetest guy. Besides, I kind of feel bad for ditching him for Lydia the other day at the mall. So I thought I could make it up to him..."

"Well...Stiles, I trust you're judgment. If you say he's changed for the best, then I suppose I can give him a chance to prove himself. Everyone deserves a second chance right?" Erica said.

Stiles thanked her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.


After lacrosse practice that same day, Stiles was in the locker room changing. He thought he was the only one left in the locker room, but he heard one of the showers go off in the back. He thought it was Scott or someone else. He just ignored it and kept on undressing and getting his stuff ready.

Stiles was putting on his shoes when the shower went off. He noticed a figure approaching around the corner. He looked up and saw Jackson shirtless with a towel wrapped around his waist. Stiles mouth fell open a little bit and started to blush. Seeing Jackson almost naked, made him a little nervous. Jackson didn't notice that Stiles was in the corner admiring his perfect figure. Stiles adjusted himself on the bench knocking over his backpack that he had laid next to him. He tried to prevent it from falling, but the zipper was open and all his belongings fell onto the floor. Jackson turned his head quickly in the direction of the noise. First thing he saw was Stiles trying to pick up his stuff in a quick pace. All his pens, papers, and books had gone all over the place. Jackson just saw Stiles struggling and smiled to himself at the sight of the clumsy boy. Jackson put his boxer briefs and jeans on, but remained shirtless. He decided to make his way to help Stiles with his things. Stiles picked up everything he saw but he missed some papers that had scattered away. Jackson picked them up and walked over to the boy.

"Hey, you missed some." Stiles heard and turned around to see Jackson standing there shirtless with his papers in his hands.

"Oh...thanks J-Jackson." Stiles said nervously as he took the papers from him.

"You're the clumsiest person I've ever met Stilinski." Jackson said to him with a big smile on his face.

Stiles just smiled at him and put his stuff away. Stiles kept on blushing because Jackson was standing right there shirtless with his hair still wet. He tried to zip up his backpack when he put everything back in, but the zipper got stuck. Jackson just giggled beside him.

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