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I know everything you want...

Stiles opened his locker and saw something fall to the ground when he opened it. He picked it up and saw that it was an invitation.

"You are cordially invited to Lydia Martin's annual Halloween party. Please dress in a haunting yet fashionable manner."

"Hey there sexy dork" Jackson said behind Stiles.

Stiles jumped so hard that he knocked down some of his books on the edge of his locker.

"God, I told you not to do that!" Stiles punched Jackson on his arm and Jackson just laughed at him.

"You got Lydia's invitation I see. What are you going to dress up as? You can be Prince Charming. You already got the looks." Jackson gave Stiles a wink.

Stiles began to blush tomato red really bad and just covered his face with the invitation.

"Jackson, please don't make me blush in public. You know I can't control it. It's not fair." Stiles said.

"Aww but you look even cuter when I make you blush." Jackson pouted.

"What are you going to be? The big bad wolf?" Stiles asked with a smirk on his face.

Jackson just got closer and whispered in Stiles ear.

"One day, you'll find out just how big and bad I really am." Jackson smirked and walked passed Stiles making his way to class.

Stiles just swallowed hard and felt as if someone had dumped a bucket of iced water on him. He began to sweat a little when he heard the wolf's words. He remained frozen like a statue until the bell rang.


During lunch, Lydia was telling the pack to not embarrass her because she had invited a boy named Aiden that she really liked and she wanted to impress him.

"Has anyone seen Scott?" Isaac asked the table.

"He said that he wasn't hungry so he wasn't going to eat lunch" Stiles told Isaac.

Isaac just looked at him and continued eating.

"Allison wanna come to the mall with me later to shop for our outfits?" Lydia asked her.

"Yeah! I'm going to need your help because I have no idea what I'm going to be." Allison said.

"Don't worry sweetie, I can fix that." Lydia said putting her hand on Allison's shoulder.

Everyone was having their own conversations at the table. They all sounded excited about the party on Saturday.

"Hey, wanna come over later and hang out?" Jackson asked Stiles.

"Sure. Maybe I can do some online cruising to get an idea of what I want to be for the party." Stiles responded.


Later that night, Stiles was on Jackson's bed surfing the internet for costume ideas to wear to Lydia's party. He didn't know what he wanted to be. He was just looking for some inspiration.

"I think that I'm just gonna wear all black and just go for the werewolf look. Saves me a headache on choosing an outfit anyways." Jackson said as he laid next to Stiles side.

"That's so basic Jackson. Come on, go all out!" Stiles told him as he nudged him on his side.

Jackson flinched really hard at the contact. Stiles turned his head fast and a devilish smile began to spread on his face.

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