High School

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So it begins...

Stiles got up early to take a shower and brush his teeth. He found some new clothes that Erica had bought him and decided to put them on for the first day of his senior year. After making sure he looked decent, he ran downstairs and ate breakfast and gave his father a good morning hug.

To Stiles surprise, Sheriff Stilinski took the news of Stiles sexuality very well. His dad knew that Stiles was all he had in this world. He loved him too much to put labels on his one and only son.

"Maybe you'll meet a nice boy on your first day of your senior year. Who knows? Maybe you'll meet your high school sweetheart today." Stiles dad said to him.

Stiles just chuckled at the thought.

"Yeah, thanks dad. But I doubt I'll find someone anytime soon. To be honest, that's the last thing on my mind. But I know I'll enjoy it because all my friends will be there though." Stiles responded.

Stiles said his goodbye and got out the house. He jumped into his Jeep and left for school.


Stiles pulled up to the high school parking lot and parked his Jeep across from the main entrance. He sat there looking at the school for a while. Memories flooded his brain of the last three years.

"It's been a long and crazy ride, yet here I am". He said to himself.

He sighed and started to get his things together when he saw something from the corner of his eye. He turned to the direction of the moving figure. He couldn't believe what he saw. For a moment he thought his eyes were deceiving him.

There, across the parking lot from him, was the Porsche that he knew all too well. He rubbed his eyes aggressively. He opened and closed them various times to figure out if what he was seeing was actually real life. Before he knew it, out came the one and only, Jackson Whittemore. Stiles just sat there looking at Jackson as he got out of his car with his leather backpack and blue Ray Bans. Disbelief flossed Stiles mind as he slowly took everything in.

Stiles never thought he would see Jackson again. After the whole kanima incident with Lydia, he thought Jackson would never come back.

Jackson looked around the school while inhaling deeply. He appeared even more handsome than he did before. He managed to see Stiles across the lot in his Jeep. He smirked and bopped his head at him while turning around and making his way towards the double door entrance.

Stiles jumped abruptly out of his Jeep and rushed inside. He saw his friends hovering Scott's locker with confused expressions on their faces. Stiles was breathing heavily when he reached them.

"You guys! Did you guys see...."

"Jackson Whittemore? Yeah. We did" Lydia said interrupting him while sounding irritated.

"What is he doing here? Did any of you guys knew he was going to come back?" Stiles asked.

Everyone shook their heads no. They all turned to see Jackson talking to Danny at his locker. From the looks of it, it seemed that Danny already knew of Jackson's grand return.

"Does this mean that he is going to be part of the pack now?" Isaac asked.

"Only if he can prove to be worth part of our pack", Scott replied.

"He is going to have to talk to all of us if he wants to be pack." Lydia finished saying.

Stiles locked his eyes on the jock. He had forgotten just how handsome Jackson was. After so long without seeing him, his devilish good looks were a mere blur to him until now. Back when they saw each other everyday, they were jerks to one another. Plus he was always thinking about Lydia when Jackson was here, so he didn't even take the time to actually admire his good looks. Now that his mind was more open to the same sex, all these things popped up in his head. He began checking guys out more and learned to not repress the feeling afterwards.

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