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Only you can set my heart on fire...

"Okay Mr. Mahealani. Can you tell me which countries were involved in the war of 1812?" Derek asked Danny.

Danny had never felt so lost than in that moment. He was struggling to remember the correct answer. He kept on trying to focus but wasn't succeeding.

"Um...I got it...I-I know this. I was just studying this last night."

"It's alright Danny. You got this. No rush. Take your time." Derek told him.

After Danny failed his last test, he agreed to take Derek's offer on after school tutoring. He needed all the help he could get, so he agreed to meet Derek during free period. There he was, killing the rest of his living brain cells. He tried to focus the best that he could but just couldn't grasp the answer and say it coherently.

"I-I...I don't know. I'm sorry. I don't know." He told Derek while sticking his hand through his short hair.

Derek just took a deep breath and looked down.

"Mr. Hale, I'm sorry I just can't seem to get this. It's just not working. No matter how much I try, or study, I just can't seem to remember any of this." Danny said with frustration in his voice.

"Look, right now we are seven weeks into the semester and you're on the edge of failing this class already. You are so close to falling down to an F in this course. I am trying my best to help you out." Derek told Danny.

Danny just looked down at his desk and told him he was sorry.

"Okay, I'm still new to this whole teacher thing and I'm going to try something here because I don't want you to fail. Here, take this book. In this book, I have highlighted every topic that we are going to cover from now on up until the rest of the semester. I suggest you read ahead of time so you can be prepared for the pop quizzes we do in class. Everything on the tests and quizzes that I will hand out in class, is in this book. After every section, there are questions that I need you to answer and turn them in. I can give you extra credit points for every question you get right. I will add those points to your lowest quiz and test grades to help you out a bit. Also, there are two more papers that I have planned to assign. If you do your reading and take notes, the papers shouldn't be hard for you. If you can get a B or above in both papers and do the extra credit, I guarantee you will pass this class Mr. Mahealani."

"Wow. Oh my gosh. Thanks Mr. Hale! Okay, I am going to try my best and I am going to make you proud! I promise!" Danny said as he took the book from Derek.

Danny accidently brushed his hand with Derek's as he took the book and hesitated for a bit. Derek felt Danny's soft touch and looked at him. Derek smiled at him trying to ignore what had just occurred.

"You can keep the book for as long as you need it, but I am going to need it back by the end of the semester. Good luck and take advantage of this alright? I know you can do it." Derek said to him not losing eye contact with Danny.

"Thank you Mr. Hale. I really appreciate it. I'll see you tomorrow." Danny said to him as he smiled and walked out the classroom.

As soon as Danny walked out the room, he looked back and saw the handsome teacher returning to grading papers at his desk. Danny half smiled for a bit and kept on walking.


Stiles was in the library looking for a book for English class. He needed to do an analysis of a piece of writing from a well-known author and present it to the class. He was there for about fifteen minutes when he noticed Jackson across the library. He was taking a seat at one of the empty tables. Stiles smiled and was about to walk over there when he heard his name being called from behind him.

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