Dark Horse

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Devil in disguise...

"You can't hide from us kid! We will find you!"

"...Oh God...Derek...Stiles...S-Sc-Scott...please...help me..."

"What's wrong kid? Not too tough on your own are you? We don't want to kill you...just use your...services."

"Can you shut up and look for him? We can't fuck this up! Master will not be pleased if we make another careless mistake."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah I know. Look! There he goes! Fly after him! He's wounded! He can't get far!"



"Whe-where am I? W-what the hell happened? Scott?"

"Shhh...it's okay. I'm here. You're at Derek's now. You've been asleep for almost two days. You had gone missing and Stiles found you in a cave deep in the woods. You were unconscious, wounded, and naked." Scott said.

"Was...was it the Phoenixies again?" Isaac asked.

"Stiles believes that it was, but we burned their nest and hideout last time. Not to mention killed all of the ones that were there. We're not sure who did it. The only thing that matters now is that you're okay." Scott told him with a warm smile at the end.

"Yeah. I feel...a little sore but I'm okay." Isaac smiled back.

"So...you don't remember anything of what happened?"

"...N-no. I don't. Everything is just a blur. The last thing I remember was heading black home and then...I blacked out." Isaac said scratching his head.

"Well, everyone is on the lookout for the Phoenixies and any other suspicious activity. Stiles even went back to where we rescued you last time in the mountains, but all he found were ashes. If there are more out there...then this means that this isn't over. First they want Stiles and now you. We need to stick together." Scott told him as he grabbed the squeezed his mates hand.

"I love you." Isaac said to him.

"Love you more...and I won't let them take you again." Scott said to him.

Scott gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead.


"Come on Jax! Keep up!" Stiles screamed at Jackson running behind him.

"No fair Mr. Alpha Dragon! You know your abilities are way more enhanced than mine!" Jackson screamed back.

Stiles and Jackson decided to go back to where Isaac was found. They wanted to see if they could find anything else that could give them a lead on who took him. Jackson wanted to drive, but Stiles challenged him to a nice and friendly race.

Stiles turned around to look back at Jackson but he was gone. Stiles stopped and tried to look off into the distance.

"Jackson! Did you fall? Come on slow poke!" Stiles screamed.

Stiles began to hear something up in the trees and before he knew it, he felt a huge weight fall on top of him slamming him to the ground.

"Ugh. You idiot! You scared me! I told you not to do that!" Stiles screamed.

Jackson laughed and just started to tickle Stiles and give him kisses all over his face.

"No fair! Get off me!" Stiles protested while laughing.

Stiles then just decided to give in and started to make out with Jackson in the woods.

"Wait...shh...you hear that?" Stiles said.

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