I'm Not the Only One

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Every breaking wave...

Beacon Hills began experiencing unusual warm weather. The breezes sweeping through town were warm and friendly. Sunny days began taking over gloomy ones, and people started leaving their coats at home.

Since the weather kept hitting the seventy degree mark, Jackson and Stiles decided to take advantage and go for a little picnic/swim.

Jackson and Stiles hadn't really spent any time together since the whole incident. After what happened, Jackson thought that Stiles deserved some space to digest everything. Of course he made sure that Stiles knew that he was there for him in case he needed to talk about anything.

They decided on going to the beach to spend some quality time together.

After they arrived, Jackson got out the Jeep and began taking everything out of the trunk. Stiles helped Jackson with the food and the umbrella. When they were done, Stiles just stood there observing the beauty of the ocean. He inhaled deeply and curled his toes into the sun kissed sand.

As Stiles took off his shirt to go in the water for a swim, Jackson noticed that Stiles body looked a bit more toned. His abs seemed more defined and his biceps looked a bit bigger. Stiles back seemed to be more muscular and defined as well.

Jackson stared at the brown haired boy. He felt the urge to have sex with the boy right then and there, but he tried to restrain himself.

"Have you been working out?" Jackson asked the boy.

"Just a little bit." Stiles responded.

"Why? Can you tell?" Stiles asked the jock while flexing a little.

Stiles then winked at Jackson and for the first time ever, Jackson blushed. Stiles took the opportunity to get closer to Jackson. Stiles gave him a deep kiss while sticking his hand through Jackson's product free hair.

"I've missed you..." Stiles whispered.

"Me too." Jackson responded.

Soon they were in the ocean having the time of their lives. Stiles kept on splashing water on Jackson in a playful manner. Jackson wanted to get him back so he swam after the boy quickly. Stiles tried to get away, but he reacted too late. The jock picked him up from behind and started tickling him. Jackson then went underneath the water. He went in between Stiles legs and placed his boyfriend on his shoulders when he came back up. As soon as Stiles got used to it, a big wave came knocking Stiles off of Jackson. The wave smothered them both into the water. They rose back up to the surface laughing hysterically a few seconds later.

After a few minutes, Stiles had swam to shore and started to prepare chicken salad sandwiches for lunch. While Jackson was still in the water swimming a few laps.

"Leave it to the captain of the swim team." Stiles whispered while staring at the jock.

Stiles was wearing his boyfriends Ray Bans knowing the young wolf wouldn't mind. Jackson looked over at him and saw how sexy he looked in his glasses. Jackson blew Stiles a kiss from the water. Stiles responded with a smile and blew him one back.

Then Stiles noticed something that was far behind Jackson. Stiles squinted his eyes and removed the sunglasses slowly. It was the fin of what seemed to be a shark and it was swimming towards Jackson. Stiles eyes grew wide as he realized what it was and got up quickly.

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