Ray of Light

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Alive in a time of fear...

"Stiles...please...get back! Don't do this! Don't put your life at risk for mine. I won't allow it!" Jackson said looking at Stiles dead in the eyes.

"Jax, you were the one that got hurt last time because of me. I felt so useless just watching you get hurt. Somehow, I've gotten stronger and faster and you know that...I need to know if this whole prophecy mess is true."

As they were talking and trying to convince each other, one of the armored figures was going after Derek again. He wrapped his hand around Derek's neck. The unknown figure started to grow huge black claws out of his other hand. He was about to dig his claws into Derek's stomach until Jackson noticed what was going on. He managed to push Stiles out the way in order to get to Derek and save him.

"Let him go!" Jackson yelled and tried to claw at the tall creature's armor.

Jackson managed to break a piece of armor off of the creature, exposing half of his bare face. The creature had wrinkly flesh and the features of a bird. It had a big beak and a bald head with big yellow and black eyes. Jackson was taken by surprise by what he saw. Stiles was shocked too as he saw the bird-like creature.

Jackson made him angry. He punched Derek on his head and knocked him out. He looked at Jackson and began walking towards him. Jackson stood as if he was ready to defend himself.

"Hey baldy! Why don't you come over here and take me on? After all, It's me that you want right?" Stiles yelled at the angry bird-man.

"Stiles let me handle this! Don't do this!" Jackson yelled.

Stiles ignored Jackson and closed his eyes. He began to concentrate really hard and balled his hands into fists.

"I have to channel what I did back at the diner...I have to protect Jackson...I have to protect my friends..." Stiles thought to himself.

A small breeze broke into the loft through the shattered windows. The lights began to flicker non stop and Jackson began to look around. Jackson could have sworn that all the bulbs exploded earlier. The creature stopped in its tracks and looked around confused and then back at Stiles. Jackson was staring at Stiles who was starting to glow a little. His body glowed brighter until he was embodied in a white luminous light. Jackson was in complete shock. He was so distracted, that he let his guard down. The bird-man knocked him to the ground in order to get to Stiles.

"No! Stiles! Watch out!" Jackson screamed while trying to get up.

As soon as the bird-man was within a foot of Stiles, Stiles opened his eyes revealing an extremely bright light in the loft that blinded the bird-man. When the light dimmed, Stiles had disappeared. The bird-man was left looking for Stiles.

In the blink of an eye, Stiles appeared behind him and tripped him. Before he hit the ground, Stiles raised his hand and managed to levitate him in the air. Almost as if he had telekinetic powers. He raised him higher and higher as he spun him around in the air. Stiles threw him in the direction of the other two bird-men making them hit the wall hard.

One of the bird-men got up into the air and spread his wings. His wings glowed a crimson red. He flapped his wings once and a big red gust of what seemed fire, flew out towards Stiles. Stiles did two back flips avoiding the hit and managed to land on his feet. When the gust hit the floor, the floor turned burnt black. The smell of  burning wood spread through the loft. Jackson was scared Stiles was going to get hurt, but at the same time couldn't believe what Stiles was doing.

Stiles extended his arms and made a fist and it began to glow red. Stiles blasted big balls of fire at the bird-man, hitting him several times. The balls of fire were so strong, that they blasted off some armor off of the creature. The creature seemed to be in so much pain when he got hit, that he fell to ground with a loud thump.

The other two came for Stiles. They tried to punch and claw at him, but Stiles was too quick for them. Stiles was moving at incredible speed. It was as if Stiles knew their every move. Stiles managed to grab both of their fists and squeezed them so hard that you could hear their knuckles breaking. The creatures screeched in agony. Stiles kicked one of them in the gut with so much force, that it hit the wall across the loft.

Suddenly, drops of water began to fall to the ground from Stiles. In a blur, Stiles used his other hand and blasted water at the other bird-man. The blast contained so much pressure that it left cracks and holes in its armor. The water blast sent the bird out the window. He landed on the outside balcony. The bird-man tried to get back up to fight, but couldn't manage. Before it could do anything, Stiles swung his arm levitating the thick broken shards of glass from the window into the air and sent them soaring in it's direction. The shards cut deep into the parts where it had no armor. A big one went through his chest taking away it's life. The hit made the lifeless body fall off the patio from the building.

"Jackson. Help the others. Take them to safety please." Stiles said in Jackson's direction.

Jackson looked deeply into Stiles glowing eyes. Stiles eyes were glowing white. Jackson just nodded at him. He gave Stiles a look of concern and worry. But Jackson knew what to do and just did what Stiles said.

"Be safe..." Jackson whispered at him.

Before Jackson could leave, the last bird-man appeared and came for Stiles from behind.

"Stiles look out!" Jackson shouted.

But Stiles was already aware. Stiles heard it and jumped into the air before it could do anything. The bird-man looked up and saw Stiles was floating in the air. The birdman sprung its wings and tried to go after him, but Stiles dodged its every move again. Stiles grabbed one of its arms and swung it out the window.

"Let's take this outside." Stiles told the creature.

Stiles flew after it and kicked it high up into the air. Stiles then flew past it several times at super high speeds as the creature was falling back down. He kept on striking it every time in different parts of its body as he flew past him. Stiles hits were shattering the creature's armor one by one.

The bird-man landed on Derek's balcony. Stiles picked him up by the neck and looked into his half opened eyes. He threw him back forcefully on the balcony and hovered over him.

"I don't know who you are, or who sent you and your ugly friends, but I want to let you know that I'm here and ready for a fight. Anytime and anywhere. If it's me they want, then tell them to come for me themselves. Not my friends. Got it? Next time you show yourself in front of me, I won't be so merciful and let you escape alive. Now get the hell out of here before I change my mind." Stiles told the bird-man.

The bird-man slowly got up and flapped its wings while flying off slowly.

Stiles landed back inside the loft. His eyes went back to normal and he stopped glowing. He noticed that Derek, Kira, and Liam were standing and saw everything. Jackson was standing in front of them looking at Stiles. They all had the same look on their faces. As if they couldn't believe anything they had just witnessed. Tall, skinny, and dorky Stiles was the reincarnation of the legendary Alpha Dragon. Stiles looked at his hands and began to realize exactly what had just occurred. He slowly lifted his head to look at his friends.

"The prophecy is true...I'm the Alpha Dragon." Stiles told them swallowing his words.

to be continued...

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