Nobody's Perfect

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I gotta change if I wanna keep you forever...

J: Good morning! You still need a ride to school today?

S: Morning! Yeah! My Jeep is still in the shop. Thanks again!

J: Don't mention it! Hey, I was gonna stop by Starbucks this morning before school to get some breakfast, you want me to pick you up first so we can go together?

S: Oh. Yeah. Sure! I'll be waiting!

J: Great! I'll be there in 10. See ya soon.


Two days had passed since the whole locker room altercation. Jackson and Stiles had been talking nonstop ever since. They had been texting, FaceTiming, and talking over the phone. Most conversations end up with Stiles talking about how Scott hasn't been around much lately, with a little bit of college talk here and there. It turned out that Jackson wants to get his masters in Nutrition. He also wants to open up his own nutrition business and help people in need. As well as do something with lacrosse too.

For the past two days, Stiles felt like he had gotten to know Jackson so much, that deep down he felt as if he was a completely different person. He discovered the fact that Jackson was fond of photography. He also found out that Jackson was a talented artist. Stiles felt as if he was the reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci. Stiles couldn't help but wonder if Lydia ever came across these talents that Jackson was blessed with. The more and more he learned about him, the more he thought Jackson couldn't get any more perfect. He had the body of a Greek God, devilish good looks, the brains of a Physicist, and a breathtaking smile that Stiles could not get enough of.

When Jackson arrived, Stiles was outside sitting on the front door steps going through his phone. Jackson stopped in the middle of the street next to the mailbox and lowered his window.

"Yo Stilinski! You comin or what?" Jackson yelled over at Stiles who was too distracted by his phone to notice the jock's arrival.

Stiles looked up and smiled at him and made his way to the passenger side of the luxurious vehicle. Jackson just smiled back as Stiles got in his car. Jackson was wearing his Ray Bans and Stiles just stared at him. He looked like one of those sexy eyewear male models you see at the eye doctor's office. Stiles just couldn't believe how good looking the teenage wolf was. It seemed as if he got better looking as the days passed.


Once they pulled up to the Starbucks drive-thru window, Stiles started to pull out his wallet so he could pay for his food. Jackson stopped him and put his hand on top of Stiles hand so he couldn't get the money out.

"Who said you were paying?" Jackson said smiling at him.

"I'm just paying for my stuff." Stiles said to him.

"Don't be silly Stilinski. Put that away. I'm paying for you. As long as I'm around, I will pick up the check." Jackson said to him with a smirk on his face.

Stiles just blushed really hard and observed from the passenger seat as Jackson paid the Starbucks worker. He handed the worker a one hundred dollar bill and told her to keep the change as tip. The girl just looked at him and thanked him. Stiles swore she was trying to flirt with Jackson. Stiles had to admit that he felt jealous for a bit because he gave her the Jackson Whittemore smile. The smile that made flowers bloom and babies smile. Of course, like any other living and breathing person, she couldn't resist the Whittemore charm. She tried to give him her number, but Jackson just told her that he wasn't interested and said his goodbye and last thank you.

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