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You showed up just in time...

J: Hey! Do you need a ride to Lydia's Halloween party? Or should I just meet you there?

S: Just meet me there. I think I'll get there a little late. Besides, I promised Erica I'd help her with her outfit. Thank you though!

J: Ok! I'll see you there handsome! You still didn't tell me what you were going to dress up as!

S: Oh yeah. I guess you'll just see when I get there! lol

J: Ugh. You're such a tease.

S: You like it though ;)


Stiles was helping Erica out with her costume. Erica had decided to go as Miley Cyrus. She wore a replica of the outfit that Miley wore while twerking at the vma's. Erica couldn't find her shoes and Stiles was helping her look for them all over her room.

"They have got to be here somewhere! I just tried them on yesterday! Ugh! Fuck my life!" Erica exclaimed.

She flipped over her bed and she still couldn't find them. Then Stiles saw something poking out from behind her dresser.

"Are those the shoes you've been looking for by any chance?" Stiles pointed at them.

Erica turned around quickly and spotted the shoes.

"Oh! Yes! Thank you Stiles! You're a life saver! Hmm I wonder how they got there...oh well. Got my shoes, now I just have to do my hair! Give me 30 minutes tops and we'll leave!"

Stiles was already in his costume. Erica eyed him as he laid on her bed going through his social media accounts.

"Stiles, you look so adorable. I just can't get over the fact of how cute you look in your costume! Jackson won't know what to do with himself when he sees you!" She told him.

Stiles began to blush really hard. Erica knew about him and Jackson. Nothing got by her. She found out about everything on her own. Stiles had no need to tell her about his life because sooner or later, she would find out anyways. She knew not to tell anyone though. It was like this best friend telepathy that her and Stiles shared together.

When Erica got finished with her hair, they got in Stiles Jeep and made their way to Lydia's house.


When they arrived, there were cars all over the street. Stiles had to park his baby far away from Lydia's house. Stiles spotted Jackson's car as they made their way towards the house. When they got inside, the music was on full blast and people were dancing and drinking. Erica danced her way to the kitchen and there was Allison dressed as Wednesday Addams, Boyd dressed as P. Diddy, and Danny dressed as a surfer dude. Lydia entered the room dressed as Jessica Rabbit. She looked amazing in her long dress and red wavy hair.

Stiles started to look around for Jackson but he didn't have to look for long. Jackson walked in and Stiles mouth dropped. Jackson was dressed as a king. He was wearing a white long sleeve dress shirt with a royal blue bow tie and black dress pants with a red kings robe. He topped it off with a crown that laid on his well-groomed hair kind of sideways. The crown looked like it was made for a real king. It wouldn't surprise Stiles if it was. He looked more beautiful than ever. Stiles felt like lightning struck his body. He'd never seen such elegance and beauty all at once before.

Jackson noticed how adorable and sexy Stiles looked. Apparently Stiles went with the Prince Charming outfit. He looked amazing and Jackson was fighting hard not to tackle him right then and there and kiss him all over. Stiles was wearing all white, which made Jackson just find him even cuter than he already was. He looked like a real version of Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid. Jackson began to approach Stiles in a very subtle manner.

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