Take You There

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I'm not whole, when you're not with me...

Stiles drove back to his house to change, gather a few things, and drop off the camera he bought.

Stiles was nervous and mad all at once. He kept on wondering what they could be doing to Isaac. He felt like his blood would reach boiling point any minute. All he could think of at the moment was how it would feel to destroy the Phoenixies one by one.

Everyone decided that Lydia, Boyd, and Allison would stay at the loft in case if Isaac were return. They would remain on the lookout and warn the rest of the pack.

Jackson, Scott, and Erica were all riding in Stiles Jeep. Liam and Kira, decided to ride with Derek in his Camaro.

Scott was looking out the window at the trees passing by wondering if Isaac was alright. Jackson and Erica could smell the anxiety and grief coming from Scott. Stiles looked up into his rear view mirror and saw Scott in the backseat displaying an agonizing expression.

"You okay back there buddy?" Stiles asked.

Scott just nodded his head slowly.

"Don't worry Scott. We'll find your boyfriend." Erica told him.

Scott immediately turned his head to look at Erica, then back to Stiles and Jackson in the front seats.

"What? You thought I didn't know? Oh come on Scott. You guys are always together and you always panic even if a fly touches the guy. You are always texting each other in class, always running off together after school, and do you really need me to explain how you look at each other all the time? A blind person could see the sparkle in your eyes every time you're together Scott." Erica told him while filing her nails.

Scott tried to respond but couldn't find the words.

"She's right Scott. I've suspected you guys had something, but I didn't wanted to question you because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. Kind of how you are feeling right now thanks to Erica." Stiles said giving her a look in the mirror.

"What? Someone had to say it. It was bound to come out sooner or later." Erica protested.

Stiles just looked at Scott and smiled at his best friend. Scott smiled back half heartedly.

"It's okay buddy. We'll find him. I promise you I'll do everything I can to get him back." Stiles told him.

"Thanks Stiles." Scott said looking at him.

Jackson put his hand on Stiles hand and squeezed it. Stiles looked at him and smiled at the gesture. Jackson stared at him as he drove and began to wonder how Scott might be feeling. He wouldn't know what to do if he lost Stiles. Or if some weird creature took him away and Jackson couldn't protect him. Even though Stiles could fend for himself now with his abilities, Jackson would still do anything to keep him from getting hurt. He felt as if he was a part of him now. To lose him would feel like losing something essential towards his life. Like an organ...air...or blood.


They entered the Beacon Hills Preserve with Derek right behind them. They got as far as the cars could take them and continued the rest by foot.

Peter told them that Phoenixies always look for the highest mountain to live on, so that's where they were heading. After about thirty minutes of walking, they got to the base of the mountain and ran into a huge pile of enormous boulders.

"Okay, so quick question. How exactly are we going to get from here, all the way up there somewhere?" Kira asked pointing to the top of the mountain.

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