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You found me...

Rain droplets splashed on the windshield of Noah's car as he drove. Reports of a weird bird-like creature near an old warehouse had surfaced. Witnesses had claimed that it was carrying the body of an unconscious teenage boy. The sheriff decided to go check it out after he received the call.

He was driving in the rain when he came to a halt. He couldn't believe what he saw. People were running out of their cars in different directions. The sheriff got out of his car slowly. His eyes focused on what was in front of him. It was a giant wall of fire. Flames seeping up from the ground high up into the air. The heat was getting intolerable. What seemed almost shocking was that the flames weren't spreading. They were in tact. As if there was something containing them just so they would form a wall from hell.

"Clark...looks like I'm going to need some back up. Contact the fire department as soon as possible." the sheriff said as he spoke into his radio.


He couldn't hear the rest of her response. There was too much static on the other end.

"Clark! Clark! Are you there?"

"Sir...There''t...reach..the city.."

Suddenly the radio speaker on his shoulder began smoking. The device died on him. He pulled out his phone to call Stiles, but his phone went haywire. It seemed as if everything technological wasn't working.


"St...Stiles...I have to find Stiles..."

Jackson woke up feeling a little light headed. When he opened his eyes, everything was blurry.

After blinking a few times, he realized he was constricted. He couldn't move. He looked around to see himself strapped onto a chair. There were Iv's in both his forearms slowly pumping out blood into what seemed a giant tube. The tube was connected to other wires going in every direction. He noticed that in the center of the dark room was a body strapped onto a bed. It took him a while to realize who it was.

"Well...about time sleeping beauty woke up from his eternal slumber." Theo said as he entered the room.

"What have you done to me! Let me out of here!" Jackson demanded.

"Woah there pup. I'm going to have to ask you to calm down. Please don't make me knock your ass out again. Although I did enjoy it the first time." Theo said sarcastically.

Jackson gave him a look filled with so much hatred and anger. He tried to get up, but he couldn't find his strength to make a move. He felt redundantly weak as the blood kept on pumping out.

"Save your effort. One is pumping out blood, while the other is pumping in hints of wolvesbane into your body." Theo informed the young wolf.

"If it were up to me, I'd just give you one big dose to kill you at once, but as we both know I don't have the last word in this predicament."

"Fuck you Theo. You tricked us. You made us believe that you were one of us, when all along you were the enemy." Jackson said.

"Yeah...well that's me. I'm sorry my acting was so great that it made all of you fall for it...actually no. I take that back. I'm not sorry." Theo said with a laugh at the end.

Jackson wished he could get out of the chair so he could rip Theo's throat out with his claws. Theo turned his back on him and went to go grab something from a small compartment in the corner. Once he came back, he had a huge wire tube in his hands. He untangled it and connected one side into the giant tank his blood was pouring into, and the other side into the lying body that was strapped on the bed.

I Found a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now