Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Jacob's Pov:


In tha end we made dressin', seett potatoes, greenss, macaroni, rolls, German chocolate cake, pound cke, four sweet potato pies and we fired tha turkey. There was like six different flavors of Kool-Aid. Er'one came ta tha kitchen ta get some food. Then we all sat down at tha table. Chris was 'bout ta start eatin'.

"Negro I wish yo big air head havin' ass would start eatin'!"I yelled.

He ate tha food anyways. I picked up a ice cube and threw it at his head.

"Ahhh! I been hit! Tell mama I love ha! Mama I luh you! D.A.D! Come around!" Chris screamed, fallin' out his chair.

"Stop screamin' like a lil bitch!" I yelled at him.

I sat down at tha table and mumbled,"You lucky I'm tryna be a child of God 'cause if I wasn't I'd whoop tha devil out ya."

"Thas why you sound like Grandma Berniece,"Chris taunted.

"Nigga. Make me jump ova this table and fight you," I threatened,"Bitch try me."

He stood up and snatched off his shirt.


August's Pov:

I swear these two be havin' us rollin'. Jacob jumped up out ha chair and ran ova ta Chris so fast. She grabbed a big spoon off tha table and started beatin' him wit' it.

"Say Uncle!" Jacob stopped hittin' him wit' tha spoon and yelled.

". . .NEVA!"Chris screamed and Jacob start beatin' him again.

When I could finally breathe again , I got up and pulled Jacob off Chris.

"You lucky he holdin' me back 'cause I would've knocked yo muffin cap back blue!' Jacob threatened him.

We finally sat down ta eat.

"Who gone pray?" Craig asked.

That nigga Chris raised his hand.

"Aight Chris. Gone and pray," Rayan giggled.

"Aight lil niggas. Close ya eyes and bow ya domes. Lord I wanna thank you fa this bomb ass food we 'bout ta eat. Dis ish gone be fi'(fire)!"

"Wellll!" Jordan sang.

"I wanna thank you fa all tha bad females you created. Bless they mamas fa a life time."

"Oh shabba ba ashabba ba!"Chresanto praised.

"I wanna thank you fa tha hoes. They'll slide through and do somethin strange fa piece of change!"

"Praise 'em! Praise 'em!" Brian shouted.

"Lawwwd! I wanna thank ya fa this here fame. You know tha hoes stay flockin' ta mah jock."

"Hallelujah!" Trey and I clapped.

Jacob smacked me on tha back of tha head and Rayan pinched Trey on his side.

"I jus' wanna take some time ta thank mah momma fa givin' birth ta mah sexy ass."

"Thank ya mama,"Kj clapped.

"I wanna thank ya fa tha Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Versace and all them sexy ass clothes."

"Thank you Jesus," Nicki, Jacob and Rayan shouted.

"I wanna thank ya fa all dis money 'cause wit'out it I wouldn't have all mah shoes."

"Yesss.Yesss Lord yesss!" Vic and Craig hummed.

"Lastly I wanna thank you fa Aug 'cause if he wasn't here I would be dead. He be handlin' that heavy handed ass cousin I got. I bet when she be ridin' him and slappin' ha hands on his chest she be smackin' a hole in that bihhh. She got the vengence of a fat bitch's lost edges. Amen!"

Afta he said that Jacob ran ta get him and Chris dipped up tha stairs.

"I'M SORRY!" Chris screamed.

You heard bangin' and screams from Chris upstairs.

"Should somebody stop them?" Vic asked.

We looked at eachotha.





Vic's Pov:
I really love bein' 'round Rayan's family. All 'em is a trip. August pulled me ta tha side and looked me up and down.
He was 'bout 4 in. taller than me.

"I see tha way you and mah sista be lookin' at eachotha. I'on care. Kalonnie grown so she can make her own decisions and choices, but tha minute you break ha heart, I will get mah girlfriend ta cut yo dick off, sauté it, bake it then feed it ta you wit' a side of mashed potatoes and a big ass cup of Kool-Aid. It ain't a threat either. It's a promise," he said, completely serious.

I nodded extremely fast 'cause of how fuckin' scared I was. It's dark as shit outside and I'm scared. I'on wanna die young. I wanna get marrie and have kids. I wanna-

"Vic! Stop freakin' out nigga. Go afta ha. I know she feelin' you too," August laughed.

"Thanks August-"

"Call me Aug."

"Thanks Aug,"I smiled.

"No pralem(problem)."

He gave me a manly hug then walked inta tha house. I jus' stayed outside. Someone came outta tha house and sat beside me. I looked ova ta see Kalonnie beautiful face. She looked ova at me and smiled.

"How bad was it?" she asked.

"Not that bad. He tol' me that he'd get his girlfriend ta cut off mah dick and serve it ta me as dinner," I answered.

"Sound like somethin' they'd do," she giggled.

"I never knew how crazy they were until taday,"I laughed.

"Thas jus' how they are," she grinned.

"I always knew Rayan was crazy thoee."

"They all appreciate you takin' care of Rayan. 'Specially me. Trey's like mah brotha so seein' him like that was depressin'."

"Ray is like tha sista I always wanted."

She looked at me and smiled.

Kalonnie's Pov:
I like Vic so much. He jus' makes me feel like I'm tha only thang important ta him.

"Do you have any brothas?" I asked him.

"Nahhh, but I gotta older sista. She a hoe thoee," he groaned.

Damn. Bad relationship much.

"What's ha name?"

"Ha name is Julkeisha Mensa."

Oh hell noo!

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