New Neighbor

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The bell finally rang and it was officially the weekend and I was tired off my ass because the other day I had to finish an essay I had put off till the end because I always procrastinate so I had stayed up to about 5 am and got about 1 and a half hours of sleep just to finish that stupid ass essay that would either pass or fail me. Oh sorry I forgot to mention but my name is Alexandra but you can call me Alex, I am 5'4" (yes I know I am short) I am 17 years old, I live in California (in a tiny city which I always want to break free from because there is nothing to do here) and I love music, I love music with a passion it has helped me through many of my dark times in life (I feel like I will share this later not right now it's still a tough subject to talk about.)

~~~Saturday morning~~~

"Goddamnit why is there a truck backing up" I said to myself as I look up at my clock on my desk "at 7 in the morning!" I lay back down on my bed and grab one of my pillows to try to cover my ears from the loud sounds of the moving truck, but it wasn't working. "Ugh fine might as well get up to greet whoever is moving in next door...I guess." I got up and got ready I got dressed in a Beatles shirt and some black jeans not trying to impress anyone because most of the people who live in my street are middle aged married couples who either have little kids or have kids that live either somewhere else or have kids of their own. I'm usually not that social I usually keep to myself as I am antisocial and keep my group of friends small, I have social anxiety but I take medication for that and as my mother says 'You need to get out and meet the neighbors and you will get over your fear of talking to strangers' I told her it doesn't really work like that but she insisted that it does so now she makes me get up and make some cookies for the new people that move in and try to socialize with them as sometimes talking to someone I know helps calm my nerves and how am I supposed to talk to someone I know without giving them a chance// I went downstairs to go start getting the ingredients ready (my mom is a cook at an elderly home so I got a lot of cooking/baking skills from her) I got all my ingredients and started to make cookie dough from scratch// After 25 minutes they were finally done and so I let them cool for 5 mins and went back up stairs to brush my hair so it didn't look like I had a rats nest on my head.

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