Anna's Diner

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Normal POV

~~~11 years later~~~

Sometimes I do look 11 years back at that sad times but things have gotten better I mean my family moved to L.A so we can have more customers for our businesses, I own my own restaurant and my mom owns a diner. When I found out that Fabrizio was just using me I fell into a deep whole, I mean I couldn't eat for weeks even months but hey that got me skinny didn't it hehe yahhh it was bad, I had suicidal thoughts and I cut myself (I thought I was never gonna find anyone who likes me for me) so I went to a therapist but after a while I realized that I didn't need anyone, I needed to focus on myself so I went to culinary school and that's when I opened my own restaurant and can I say it's quite fancy. I fixed myself up I don't self harm or have suicidal thoughts anymore and I focused on my health so I actually reached my goal body weight and I like how I look now. Let's just say my life now is better than back then but it can get sad at sometimes as before I left for college I would talk to some of the guys but we lost touch after a while because they moved to New York to start a band after Fabrizio, Nick, and Albert graduated, I was quite sad but happy at the same time I mean I am still kinda mad at Fabrizio for basically ruining me back then but eh what am I going to do about it, they are now big and I hear them all the time not like it's bad or anything it's actually pretty good I sometimes catch myself listening to them from time to time but it breaks my heart a little each time also. But I do wish I could have stayed in touch with the other guys though, they were nice people and not who I thought they were in the first place but they are too busy being famous and touring places. I am still best friends with Penny and Isaac and I keep in touch they also live in L.A, Penny is a model for various magazines which I am so proud of her for that and Isaac has big music store it's 2 stories the first floor is musical instruments and the second is CDs and vinyls it's any awesome place and I love to go there when I have time off but it's a super popular place so I don't have just anytime to talk to Isaac while he is in there.//
*ring ring ring**ring ring ring*
"Hello" I said groggily into my phone looking at the time as it was 8:29 in the morning
"Alex can you please go in and help with the diner we are short on staff and I have the stomach flu so I can't go in and I know you aren't helping in the kitchen at your restaurant so you can go" my mom said into the phone sounding like she was gonna vomit at any moment
"Ugh fine mom I'll go but you are paying me you know that right" I said smirking she said fine but I said I was just kidding, I mean I was doing fine with my restaurant it has given me a nice home of my own and I have enough money for nice things.// I got up and took a shower and did my makeup (and I do, do my makeup a lot now because it gives me more confidence even though I look fine without it anyways) also I do still have my same music and style taste I can dress up and also dress down so I put on my Arctic Monkeys shirt was some light blue ripped jeans with some black converse and let my hair down as I would just take orders and got in my car to go to my moms diner.// I clocked in and saw that there was barely anyone in for work, damn my mom was right when she said she was low on staff.
"Hey Alex" said Angela (one of the older ladies that works here) "I'm guessing that your mom called you in to help" she said smiling
"You are right as always Ang" I said giving her a warm smile back; I've always liked her she is always so sweet to me. Dang it's starting to get crowded and we don't have a lot of workers, I need to call some in. I walk to the staff only area and walk into my mothers office
*ring ring ring**ring ring ring**ring ring ring*
"Please please please pick up we need more help around here and the other people I called didn't pick up" I said quietly
"Hello" said a deep soothing voice
"Ah yes Andrew this is Alex can we get you in today as soon as possible we are incredibly short on staff and it's starting to get packed more than usual" I said glad that he picked up (I've always had a crush Andrew since he first started working, he is the same age as me and he's taller than me, and he has shaggy brown hair which is always a cute feature on anybody)
"Um yah I'll be there in 30 minutes" he said
"Oh thank you so much we really need the extra hands today well bye" I said happy that we could get some extra help around. So I went back out and started seating people and handing them there menus and just routine of seating, handing them there menus, taking there orders, then giving them there food and between those I would go help other people. Finally I saw Andrew come in around 20-30 mins later and thank god because there was only like 3 people going around taking orders and shit and 2 cooking but soon Jasmine would come in for her shift to help cook and I convinced some people cooking to stay as over time.
"Hey Andrew thanks for coming in" I said hugging him, I have no idea why but we've always been super friendly to each other like we have known each other for years
"No problem Al I always take any opportunity for more hours anyways and it looks like you need an extra hand" he said chuckling a cute laugh
"Well get off to work then boy" I said laughing and pushing him slightly.// I was checking out some other people as it was starting to slow down a bit when I heard some men come in and can I say they were kind of loud and annoying me so I took the money from the leaving people and rubbed my temples try to put on a happy face because I knew that they were gonna be a pain in the ass, so I went over "Hi welcome to Anna's Diner how many people" that's when I lifted head and I think I said too loud "oh shit...."

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