Phone call

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I went home took a shower and decided to call Julian to kind of hook it up with Julian and Juliet
*ring ring ring**ring ring ring*
"Hello" said Albert on the other end
"Uh Albert why do you have Julian's phone" I laughed confused
"Oh because me, Fab, Nikolai and Julian are out at a burger joint rightnow and Julian is taking a piss" say Albert chuckling
"Well thanks for the information buddy...wait why isn't Nick and Penny with you guys?" I questioned
"Well you see we were there at the house then we heard banging and moaning so we decided to leave as we didn't want to hear them have sex" I heard him stuff his mouth with food after
"Great Albert always giving me great news like I totally wanted to know that" I said sarcastically
"You know it sweety" Albert said as I heard Julian come back I heard muffled voice and then "what's up mama" from Julian
"Well you see you won't be calling me that for long because I ran to a community college friend, actually she went to Patterson High back with us but I didn't properly meet her until college, but yah I saw her when I was out for a run and stopped at a shop and you know you are a lonely bitch and she's a lonely gal so ehhhh how about it and I don't know if she knows you guys she didn't even know I owned my restaurant" I laughed
"Ehh I don't know about that Alex I mean what if she turns out to be a fan and just uses me" Julian said on the other side of the line
"Oh come on give her at least a chance and she has always been clueless about everything" I said trying to convince him "what about I have a little party at my apartment and then introduce you to her later on" I said as he groaned
"Fine but you owe me if it doesn't turn out well" he said and I could tell he was pouting
"GREAT! What about tomorrow I don't work tomorrow luckily" I said cheerfully down the line
"Yah I'll tell the guys and I'm gonna miss hitting on you mama" he chuckled
"I won't god every time you did I would explode inside from the awkwardness" I said making an explosion sound
"Oh kind of like the first day all of us met when I said I wonder what all of your love taste like then I licked my lips" I heard him growl down the line
"Well I mean I wouldn't mind I mean have you seen yourself lately woah I would like to get a piece" he laughed teasing me
"I swear Julian I'm gonna get Fab or someone to beat you up for me I'm too tired I just got back from a run" I said laying on my couch
"Ooo are you and Fab back together and look at you all healthy and shit while we are over here eating burgers" he said eating something
"For your information no we aren't back together I don't know if you know but I'm still kinda confused on the situation from back then like he mentally, physically, and mentally destroyed me but he also built me back up" I said sighing
"Well I'm sure he will explain to you everything tomorrow" Julian said laughing as I heard Fab say "thanks Jules"
"Well I'm off to slumber as I am tired off my ass from everything happening from just these 3 days or was it 4 I can't remember well tell the guys night at tell Penny I hope she had fun" I yawned
"We see the dirty side of Alex once again huh mama" he laughed "also I'm gonna make the next hours before I meet this friend of yours tomorrow living hell that means flirting and teasing hehehehe" he cackled
"I swear to god Julian do you ever stop" I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see
"We don't have to stop we can take it nice and slow just like you like it" he teased
"Without me and okay fine night" he laughed before I hung up and went to my bed to sleep

~~~I have school today yet I'm up at 1:15 in the morning writing this filler chapter to lead to another one~~~

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