Attention on me

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There was a knock at the door and I yelled "I'll get it!" I opened it to find my best friend Penny "Hey Beatles" I said through our hug
"Hey and that's a new shirt it looks big? Did you buy a new shirt?" She questioned
"No actually I got beer all over my Arctic Monkeys shirt from someone" I said giving a dirty look to Albert as he raised his hands in defense "so I'm wearing Fabrizios shirt"
"Oh are you guys back together?" She raised an eyebrow
"NO!" I said frantically "I mean umm no we are not together" I said my face turning red from saying no so loud and rapidly
"Okay sorry" she said
"Why don't we get tell the guys you are here I mean you haven't seen them in 11 years come on" I sad closing the door behind us and basically pushing her the main room where all the guys were "Hey guys look who's here" I said presenting her like if someone won a new car. Let's just say their eyes widened and their mouths were ajar. I started to laugh my ass off because of their faces, I fell to the floor laughing at started to cry.
"You need help there Alex" said Penny grabbing me hand and helping
"Omg your guys faces were hilarious I wish you could have seen it. I swear I think I saw Valensi drool a little" I laughed "hey you guys can look but can't touch, she's mine got it" I said hugging her like someone was gonna take her away "here" I said giving Penny a beer while I take another one for me
"Dude you guys are borrringgg" I said stretching the word boring "what do you guys do when you are on break from touring?" I asked sitting on the floor in front of them taking a sip of my beer
"We usually do nothing, just relax" said Nick walking towards Penny to talk to her
"Do you guys have strawberries or fruit in general" I asked bored
"No we don't, we usually eat out" said Fab looking up from his sketch book. I groaned loudly "boo you whore" I said as I laid on the ground flat like I was making a snow angel
"Are you hungry cause if you want we can order pizza or something" Julian said sitting next to me on the floor poking my stomach
"Don't do that" I said swatting his hand away "and yes please I'll pay"
"No your stomach is weird like its soft and hard at the same time" said Julian still poking me
"Hehehe hard" I giggled
"AYYY you are turning dirty like the rest of us" Julian said highfiving me
"Sweety I've been dirty minded since out of the womb it's just I don't show it around random people" I said taking my phone out to call a pizza delivery
"Aww she's warming up to us guys" said Albert looking away from the television
"Hey how many pizzas should we order" I said covering the microphone part of my phone
"4" said Nikolai
"Okayyy" I told the person where we were, they said he would be there is 20 mins "I'm bored again" I said finishing my beer "I'm gonna search up your guys first names on urban dictionary" I said taking my phone out again "okay for Julian it says 'A very honest man who is freakishly horny. He gets hard an average of 45 times per day. Many woman like him and dream of having sex with him. He is a player but everyone loves him because he is sweet like candy. He has an overactive imagination and can make up very sexual stories that can turn anyone on and get them wet like a lake' " I said laughing "Julian I think they got you being horny all the time right" I added laughing still
"Also making people wet like a lake" he said smirking
"Haha that's funny as if" I said rolling my eyes
"Hey have you seen the fan girls and guys following us, they would try anything to get in our pants" said Julian cocking an eyebrow so I just rolled my eyes again
"Now Nikolai" I said smiling at him " 'A caring loving guy. To find out who he truly is you would have to look farther than what you first see. He is very fragile. One girl could ruin his world in a second just by breaking up with him. Don't take his love for granted or you will regret it.' True I feel like you would be a big teddy bear, hope you dont take offense to that" I smiled really big showing my teeth
"Well that's the first time I've actually seen you smile showing your teeth" said Nikolai looking up from his book
"Because it takes too much effort to smile showing teeth also whenever I do it most of the time, it is so unnatural" said rolling into my stomach
"Now Nick 'the hottest, sexiest man you will ever meet. usually has a very large penis, makes a really good boyfriend and is always condfident about himself. can kick almost anyones ass and is quite a gentleman. always get with a nick, you will always be pleased.' He's a keeper Penny" I winked cheekily at her causing her to blush
"Hey how come you told me off but not him" Julian said throwing his hands up
"That's because Nick isn't a bitch like you" I laughed sticking my tongue out at him causing him to pout like a baby and roll on his stomach like me
"Albert now wow your definition is long" I groaned "but I don't want to leave you out so 'A guy who rolls with the punches and laughs at himself before he laughs at others is an Albert. An Albert is one of the most thoughtful, kind, sexy human beings on earth. Most Alberts serve their country and give selfishly, not expecting anything in return. In addition, Alberts are fun, smart, incredibly hot and are great with animals (especially monkeys). There should be more Alberts in the world. To know an Albert is to love an Albert, so those with something bad to say, haven't met a true one yet.' Ah shit dude since you are so great at handling monkeys you should get a pet monkey" I said sarcastically
"I don't need a pet monkey when I already have one right here" he said smacking Fabrizios ass
"Thanks papi" Fabrizio said in a Mexican accent and smirking
"OMG NO HAHAHA" I said rolling around laughing "DONT SAY THAT, THAT'S JUST SO WEIRD" I said now crying "AND AWKWARD well then again awkward is my middle name" "Awkward choices with smiles from ear to ear" I sang teasing Fab with one of his side bands songs and he just glared at me
"Woah we didn't know you can sing" said Julian sitting up quickly
"Yah she can fucking sing amazingly but she's stubborn and doesn't like singing in front of people a lot because she doesn't like the attention on her also she can also play instruments like the ukulele, piano, violin, guitar, and she learn a little of bass a while ago and she can cook amazingly, she can box and she can draw/paint, the only thing is she doesn't know how to play is the drums. I swear this girl has so many talents I would like to have" Penny said shaking her head
"What the fuck, play and sing something for us" said Julian handing me Nicks acoustic guitar
"What no I'm not gonna sing in front of you guys" I said gently leaning his guitar against the couch
"But why you already sang a little might as well sing more" said Albert "or  are me and Julian gonna tag team on you and tickle you to the death" he said moving his fingers like he was going to tickle me.
"I fucking hate you guys" I said picking the guitar back up "well let me see what song I want to do....hmmm I got it" I said smiling at Fab. I started to strum some chords to 'Unattainable' by Little Joy and Fab looked up and rolled his eyes at me "I love teasing and pissing people off, it's fun" I laughed starting to get the strumming pattern
"Only when the goal is unattainable do I start to feel like I'm losing myself
and this deep secret that hasn't come out yet is buried down deep with the rest....." In the chorus parts of the song Fab came in to harmonize with me//
"Wow" said Julian, that's all he said so I started to blush and hide my face in my knees smiling to myself "I'm not even that good to be honest" I muffled from hiding my face
"NOT GOOD?!? Bitch shut up you are amazing" Penny said shooting me a look.
*ding dong*
"I'll get that" I said standing up quickly to have the others not see my face "okay thank you" I said balancing the pizzas to close the door "here" I said putting down the pizza on the counter and grabbing a slice and biting it, being quiet
"Are you okay" asked Julian after a couple minutes later when I had finished my slice of pizza as I was standing in a corner of the room
"Yah why would you ask" I said hitting my fingers against my leg extremely fast
"Because you are shaking like crazy and you are super quiet" he said looking at me closer in my eyes
"Oh this, this is nothing" I said not looking into his eyes
"Hey Alex are you alright?" asked Fab turning his attention to me and Julian
"I'm sure I'm fine I think I just need water" I said walking into their kitchen and finding a clean cup but as soon as I filled it up and tried to drink I dropped the cup on the floor "Fuck I'm sorry for breaking cup" I said trying to pick up the broken pieces and cutting my hand in the process
"Alex stop it's okay it's just a cup, stop your bleeding" Fab said kneeling next to me and stopping me from picking up pieces of glass
"I'm fine" Is the last thing I said before I started sobbing into his lap, still shaking, he pulled me into him and caressed me gently.

Call Me Back (A Fab Moretti fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now