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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf, only Mina Hale.

Ten years. It's been ten years since my brother, Derek, and I have been here. We wouldn't have came back if Laura hadn't gotten herself killed. She wanted to investigate the fire from our home and left.

She was missing since then. Derek got the news that she was found cut in half, so we're looking for her body to bury at our house. Yes, we're staying at our old burned down home. It doesn't matter, it's still home to us.

We separated so we could cover better ground. I was tracing her scent. I've ran around the woods for awhile, hiding, making sure hunters or the police wouldn't spot me. Then I caught something, two scents. One was a familiar scent, Laura. The other was new, one I've haven't smelled before. Werewolf. Was it the alpha? No. But, what I do know is that it bit someone and made him its new beta.

I continued to follow the scent until I spot something on the ground. I bend down and picked it up. It was an inhaler. Someone might be looking for this, but for now I stuck it in my pocket. I stood up and saw another figure on the ground, actually half of the figure. My eyes widen as I made my way over to it....Laura. Oh god, what did the alpha do to you? I got my phone out and texted Derek where I was. A few minutes later he was next to me.

"This is going to be a problem," He said.

I looked at him. "That's not the only problem, looks like the alpha decided to make a new beta."

He nodded at me and thought for a while. Knowing he needed time to think of a plan, I went home to grab a rope and a bag for Laura's body. I came back, placed her in the bag, and tied the ropes.

Derek picked the bag up gently. "Smells like the beta's in his teens. We need to find out who it is. You're going to school tomorrow, look for this kid and call me immediately when you do. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head to him. I don't want to go, but with the alpha in town we might need all the help we can get, even if Derek won't admit it.

Now, all I need to do is find this beta.

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