Encounter in the Woods

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Lydia, Allison, and I arrived at the lacrosse field. I still don't want to be here.  I had to watch over Scott and from what I found out, he's on the team. We made our way to the bleachers where I can hear the coach talking to him.

"Scoring some shots will give the boys a confidence boost. It's first day back thing. Get 'em energized, fired up!"

"What about me?" Scott asked.

"Try not to take any in the face. Let's go! Come on!" Coach yelled.

Lydia, Allison, and I sat down on the bleachers.

"Who is that?" Allison asked. I didn't even need to look at her to know she's looking at Scott.

"Him? I'm not sure. Why?" Lydia said confusingly.  Scott was looking towards us, knowing he can hear.

I answered this time, eyes still on the field, "He's in our English class and Allison hasn't stopped thinking about him since."

I can hear her heartbeat speed up. And I looked over at them to see Allison blushing.  Yup, she's crushing bad. 

"No, no that's not...but what about you?" Allison asked, trying to get the attention away from her.

I looked at her confused. "What about me?"

"No one here caught your attention?"

"No," I said flatly.

"What about that other guy in our English class? The one who sat in front of you?"

I was thinking about it for a moment. Who sat in front of me? Oh, she's talking about Stiles.

"You talking about Stiles?" I asked her.

She got a big grin on her face and that look that says that's exactly whom I'm talking about. I rolled my eyes at her, looking back to the field.  I was about to tell her that was the dumbest thing I have ever heard when Lydia interrupted us.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" She asked.

Before either Allison or I got the chance to answer the whistle blew. I can see Scott clutching his head. Hearing. Check. Then a ball went flying across the field and it landed straight in Scott's face, making him fall. People around him began laughing. Oh, please that's not even funny.

Coach yelled, "Hey, way to catch with your face, McCall."

Scott got up. Then another ball was launched at him only this time he caught it. People seemed shocked. What, was he not a good player back then? More balls were being launched and he caught every single one of them. Speed. Check.

"He seems like he's pretty good," Allison said.

"Yeah, very good," We said in unison.

Jackson pushed his way to the front of the line with a heated glare aimed at Scott. Come on, Scott's gonna catch the ball and Jackson is going to be pissed even more. Just like I said, Jackson hurled the ball with all his might and, what do you know, Scott caught it. Everyone began to cheer. Allison, even Lydia, stood up and cheered. I just stayed seated and clapped, not interested.  I can see Jackson turning his head to look at Lydia and she gave him a look.

"That's my friend!" I hear someone shout. I turned my head to see that Stiles kid, so he's on the team too. If he only knew what was happening to his so-called friend.


Finally, I'm home. I told Derek everything that went on with Scott at the field. Also what went on with Allison. First, he gave me a lecture about befriending the young Argent, that it was the stupidest idea that I ever had, then he told me to be careful around her. Just like me, he rolled his eyes when I told him about her crush on the beta.

I hear voices a few yards away from the house. It sounded like Scott and Stiles. Ugh. Seriously. Why are they here?

"No, I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler." I heard Scott.

Oh, they came back for his inhaler, might as well give it back.  I walked to the table and grabbed his inhaler and put it in my pocket.  I told Derek that they were here and walked out, with Derek beside me.

"Maybe the killer moved the body," I heard Stiles tell Scott.

The closer we got the more we saw them. Scott kneeling on the ground looking around the dirt. Stiles just looking on the ground.

"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks," Scott told him. I looked at Derek and we had the same look on our face, annoyed.

Stiles turns around and saw us. He smacked Scott on the shoulder. He got up and looked to us. Derek walks up to them with me in tow.

"What are you doing here? Huh? This is private property," He told them.

"Sorry, man, and Mina, we didn't know." Stiles said nervously, good.

Scott kept his eyes on Derek while saying, "Yeah, we were just looking for something, but uh, forget it."

Without a second thought, I took the inhaler out of my jacket and threw it at Scott, who caught it with ease. He looked down to see it was his inhaler. Derek began to walk away, I glared at the boys one last time before I turned around and followed. I can still hear them talk.

"All right, come on, man. I gotta get to work."

"Dude, no wonder she seemed familiar. That was Derek and Mina Hale. You remember right? He's only like a few years older than us and she's like our age," Stiles said.

"Remember what?"

"Their family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, 10 years ago."

"I wonder what they're doing back."

Soon, Scott. You'll find out soon.

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