Magic Bullet

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Derek got another lead on the alpha. That's why we're here, jumping from roof to roof, chasing the thing.

It jumped again to the next roof and Derek jumped after it. BANG! A gun shot was fired and Derek got hit. He rolled a little bit and fell down. I jumped after him. BANG! Another shot, pain was shooting through my right shoulder. I rolled next to Derek.

"You okay?" I panted.

"Yeah, you?" I nodded. Derek rolled up his sleeve, the bullet hole was there but some blue smoke was coming out.

"Where were you hit?" He asked me.

"My shoulder." I pointed to it.

"Let me see it." I took my jacket off and winced. That thing burns like a bitch.

"Is it bad?" I asked him.

"No, but it's not a regular bullet."

What kind of bullet is it then?


The following morning I didn't feel so good. Derek wasn't doing any better. He got paler, apparently I did too. Everything was spinning, it was hard to walk, and I was having trouble breathing.

"Did you find out what kind of bullet it was?" I asked him.

"No, but we're gonna need help finding it."

"Who?" I asked. It was difficult for me to breathe right now.


If I didn't feel so drained right now I would have scoffed. "What makes you think he's going to help us?"

"Trust me. He's going to help."


Derek and I made our way to the school. We had to walk over here because it was difficult for him to drive.

Derek checked my shoulder before we left and black veins started to show form the wound. We took a look at his arm and it was the same. We needed to find the bullet fast or we'll die.

We're were in front of the school. Derek turned to me. "Go hide somewhere while I get Scott."

Too tired to argue, I nodded. He stumbled his way inside. I looked around the parking lot and saw a familiar blue Jeep. I walked over there, I don't know why though. I was near it when I couldn't take it anymore and collapsed.


Someone was shaking me. I keep hearing my name being called with a few slaps on my face.

"Mina, come on. You have to wake up." I heard a voice.

"Why isn't she waking up?" I heard another voice.

I opened my eyes a little. Everything was blurry. I blinked a couple of times and my eyes were met with a concerned looking Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall.

"Oh, thank god," Stiles sighed in relief. I tried to stand up but my knees gave out on me. I would have hit the floor if he didn't grab me.

"Mina, what happened to you?" Scott asked with a worried look.

"I was...I was..." I didn't get a chance to finish when everything went black...again.


3rd POV

Mina collapsed again. Stiles still had a hold on her so she wouldn't fall on the ground. "Scott, why isn't she healing?" He asked.

"I don't know, but we've got to take her somewhere."

"Like where, Scott? I don't think the hospital is the best option right now."

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