Full Moon

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Another day, another day of watching over Scott. Allison dragged me over to the field so she could see him play. This crush of hers is getting really annoying. I can hear Scott and Stiles.

Stiles with a little worry in his voice. "Just hold on, okay? I overheard my dad on the phone. The fiber analysis came back from the lab in LA. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!"

"Stiles, I gotta go," Scott said.

"Wait, no! Scott! You're not gonna believe what the animal was -"

Allison and I made our way towards the bleachers as I heard Stiles say the next thing. "It was a wolf."

We walked in front of a few people and sat down. Allison waved at Scott who waved back. I rolled my eyes. Allison looked at me.

"Ok, what is it?" She asked.

"Nothing," I deadpanned.

"Mina, what's wrong?" She asked again.

"I don't want to be here."

"You're lying," She grinned at me.

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Why is that?"

"You want to see Stiles."

Not this again. Why would she think that? I never even showed any interest in the boy whatsoever. In all seriousness the guys around here are idiots.

"No, I don't. Allison, why would you think I like this guy? I don't even talked to him. He just some random kid who I share some on my classes with."

She put her hands up in surrender, but kept that smile on her face. "I just thought you did. But it's kinda hard when you don't show any emotion, you always have a frown on your face. And honestly I thought you guys would be cute together."

The whistle blew before I could reply to her. We turn our heads back to the field. The ball as being passed around and Scott caught it, only to be knocked down by Jackson. The whistle blew again and this time Scott went pass the players, pirouettes the last three and makes a goal. People began to applaud. Coach waved Scott over to him. I only got the last of the conversation.

"Yeah, well, you made the shot. And guess what...you're starting, buddy. You made first line."

Everyone applaud again, except for Stiles. He looked worried and when he saw me on the bleachers a glare was send his way.


Allison texted me earlier that she was going to Lydia's party with Scott. She asked if I was sure I couldn't go. But, now I have to because it's a full moon and Scott could shift at any given moment.

I told Derek where I was going. He said he was coming too, to keep a close eye on Scott from outside the house. I was suppose to keep watch from the inside. This should be fun, I thought sarcastically.


"You remember what to do?" Derek asked when he parked a few feet away from Lydia's house.

"Keep an eye out and if he starts to shift get him out of there," I replied nonchalantly.

We got out and made our way to the party. The stench of booze and hormonal teenagers was everywhere. I walked inside the house and Lydia squealed when she saw me.

"Looks like someone can make it after all. Look, later, I'm going introduce you to some of the guys from the team," She said.

Jackson came over. "Hey, Mina." I just nodded my head at him as he put his arm around Lydia.

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