Wolfing Out

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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf only Mina

I am tired of watching over Scott. But, apparently, that's what Derek needed me to do. I had to go to another one of their lacrosse practice. Derek told me he would meet up beside the bleachers. So, here we are watching. Because that's not creepy at all.

"Here we go! Let's go! One-on-one from up top! Jackson, take a long stick today. Atta boy," Coach yelled.

"This is pointless," I told Derek. He didn't say a word, just stared at the field. "Out of all people, the alpha chooses this kid."

Derek just gave me a just focus look. I rolled my eyes as Coach blew the whistle. Scott started to run and Jackson knocked him down, after that he said, "You sure you still want to be first line, McCall?"

Seriously, their little argument is getting nowhere. Coach went over to Scott and started to compare him to his dead grandmother. Scott's getting angry, we could smell it. Derek and I can see his eyes glow before Coach made Scott run it again. This time when the whistle blew Scott ran straight forward and knocked Jackson down. I can hear a little crack on his shoulder. Scott's pulse was rising, he's shifting out in the field.

Everyone went to check on Jackson and Stiles went to check on Scott. Then, not a moment later, he grabbed Scott and dragged him to the locker room.

"I'll meet up with you later. I gotta make sure tweedledee doesn't kill tweedledumb." I ran straight to the locker room before he replied.

I heard a growl when I came in. Not a moment later my eyes changed to their amber, my fangs and my claws came out. I got there in time to see Stiles backing away from a fully shifted Scott, who's on top of the lockers. I let out a roar signaling my arrival. Scott turned around, jumped down from the lockers, and growled at me.

Not a moment later he charged at me. He swung his claw, but I dodged it. I punched his face, he went down. He got back up and tackled me. We rolled on the ground and he swiped his claw on my stomach. I headbutted him and tossed him to the lockers. He came at me again, grabbed me by my throat and threw me towards the wall. I got up, ready to strike again, while Scott was charging at me.

He didn't even come close this time because Stiles came out and used the fire extinguisher on him. That snapped Scott out. He shifted back as did I.

Scott looked confused. "Stiles, what happened? Mina, what are you doing here?"

"You tried to kill me. You and Mina had a wolf throwdown. It's like I told you before. It's the anger. It's your pulse rising. It's a trigger," Stiles explained, then looked at me. "Right?" I nodded my head. "Umm, Mina. You're bleeding."

I looked down at my stomach where Scott clawed me. My shirt had three tear marks with blood surrounding it. They were already healing.

"It will heal," I rolled my eyes at him.

Scott looked down at my shirt and his eyes widen. "I did that?" He asked.

"No, I did it to myself," I said sarcastically. "You're anger caused you to shift."

"But, that's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game, if you both haven't noticed."

"Well, it's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field."

Stiles continued. "You can't play Saturday. You're gonna have to get out of the game."

"But, I'm first line."

"Not anymore," I said.


Scott left the locker room. I was about to leave when Stiles grabbed my arm. I raised my eyebrow and looked from his hand to my arm. He took it off immediately.

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