Lacrosse Game

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Apparently, Lydia and Allison wanted me to go to the game with them. I told them I didn't want to because the game is just going to be a waste of time. Lydia wasn't taking no for an answer and said she would come over and drag me here if I didn't go. So I told her I'll meet her at her house.

We arrived at the game and she spotted Scott and Stiles. "Come with me." I rolled my eyes, but followed nonetheless. Scott turned around when Lydia called him. She yanked his jersey and they were face to face. "I just want you to remeber one thing for tonight."

Scott looked confused, "Uh...winning isn't everything."

She gave out a sarcastic laugh while brushing his shoulder. "Nobody likes a loser." She turned around and walked away from them. I send them a smirk, I'm starting to like Lydia more and more.

Scott grabbed my shoulder before I turned around. "I thought you weren't coming," He said. I didn't say anything. I glared at him while I crossed my arms. "Look, we're sorry that Derek got arrested, but he killed that girl."

I'm getting pissed off again. My eyes changed color as a low growl escaped me. Stiles, with eyes wide, grabbed Scott.

"Scott, we should go," He said, his voice squeaking a bit. Scott was walking and Stiles turned to get a quick glance at me.

I calmed down a bit before I went over to the bleachers. Lydia was sitting next to Allison and...Argent. Oh, great! Allison waved at me.

"Dad, this is my other friend Mina. Mina, this is my dad," Allison introduced us. If she only knew.

Argent gripped my hand, tightening it a bit. "Nice to meet you, Mina. My daughter's told me so much about you."

I shook his and and gripped it a little tighter. He was holding back the hiss as I said, "Nice to meet you, sir." I sat down next to Lydia. I do not want to be near the hunter.

The game started and Scott was wide open, but no one was passing him the ball. The ball lands on the ground and he went after it. Jackson went after it too and pushed Scott to the side. He scored a goal and the crowd cheered. Lydia tapped me and Allison so we can help her hold a 'We Luv U Jackson' sign.

Scott was looking at us and Stiles turns around. I heard him say brutal under his breath and I didn't need my senses to know Scott's getting angry.

"Which one is Scott again?" Argent asked.

"Number 11," I said.

"Otherwise known as the only one who hasn't caught a single ball this entire game," Lydia finished.

"I hope he's ok," Allison said.

"I hope we're ok. We need to win this." Lydia got up with her 'Jackson is #1' sign, "Allison, Mina, a little help here." Allison and I rolled our eyes and got up. We were holding the sign high up.

Scott saw the sign again. He was getting even angrier. The game started again, only this time Scott stole the ball and dodged the players. He made a goal and they cheered.

"To McCall, pass it to McCall!!" Coach yelled.

The whistle blew again. The other team had the ball, but one look at Scott and the player passed it to him. Scott ran towards the goal and shots the ball. The ball went through the lacrosse stick and into the net. The game was tied.

Scott had the ball again, but he was just standing near the goal. I can see him slowly shifting. He better control it, right now!

"You can do it, Scott." I heard Allison say. He must have heard it too because he was focused again. He shot the ball and it went inside the net. He won the game.

I can see he was still shifting. I had to get over there and make sure no one sees him. It was crowded when I was making my way down. Scott was gone. I see Stiles and went over to him. "Stiles, where the hell is Scott?"

He put his hand up, silencing me. I glared at him and he pointed to his dad, who was on the phone. His dad ended his call and walked to us.

"Dad, what happened?"

He just ignored him and looked at me. "Mina, I believe an apology is in order." I looked at him confused. "The medical examiner just reported back about the body they found. They found animal hairs on the body, your brother's innocent so Derek will be release immediately."

This was the best news I've heard all day. "And sorry for your loss." I nodded at him, knowing he was talking about Laura. Forgetting about Scott, I left and headed home.


3rd POV

Stiles enters the locker room. He needed to talk to Scott about what he just found out. When he asked his dad who the body belong to he was shocked to find out it was Laura Hale. Hale, as in Mina's sister. He felt like an idiot, that was why Mina almost cried the other day. She lost another family member.

Stiles knew she was trying to hide it but didn't know why, now it made sense. She was putting up these walls so she could protect herself. The only person allowed in was Derek. Stiles felt even more guilty about it. He was starting to like Mina, even if she could be a bitch most of the time. He started to think about when he realized he liked her... that day she was beating Scott's ass, protecting him. Even if it wasn't her main intention.

He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard footsteps coming by him. He tried to act nonchalantly when he saw it was Allison.

"Hey, Stiles," She greeted him.


She left the locker room and Scott went over to him with a goofy smile on his face. "I kissed her."

"I saw."

"She kissed me " Scott said with that big grin on his face.

"Saw that too. It's pretty good, huh?"

"I...don't know how, but I controlled it, I pulled it back. Maybe I can do this. Maybe it's not that bad."

"Yeah, we'll talk later then," Stiles said, patting Scott's shoulder.

Scott pulled him back. "What?"

"The uh...medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found."


"Well, keep it simple. Medical examiner determines killer girl to be animal not human. Derek's human not animal. Derek not killer, Derek let out of jail."

"Are you kidding?" Scott asked.

"No and here's the bigger kick in the ass. My dad ID the dead girl, both halves, her name was Laura Hale."

Scott was shocked, "Hale?"

"Derek and Mina's sister."

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