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"Oh, my god," Allison said.

I didn't shift back as I continued to growl at Kate. She just chuckled and got her electric baton thing. She was waving that thing in front of my face before she bashed my sides in. I roared out in pain.

"Aunt Kate, what are you doing?!?!" Allison yelled.

Kate looked at her. "Did you really think she was your friend?" She grabbed my chin with one hand and made me look up. "Look at her. She's not human. She's just a little mut that needs to be put down."

She let's go and I spat in her face. She glared at me while whipping the spit off.

"You shouldn't have done that."

She raised the electrical baton and was going to hit me again, but Derek let out a roar.

"Don't you dare touch her," He growled.

Kate let out another chuckle. "Allison, meet me outside."

I send Allison a pleading look, but she didn't even look at me and left.

"Oh, Derek. The protective older brother. Mina, the youngest most pathetic sister." Her smile got even wider when she looked at us. "We're gonna have so much fun."


3rd POV

Scott was in searching for his phone in his room.

"Call it again," He told Stiles.

Stiles dialed again, but Scott's phone wasn't ringing. "It's not here. Okay, so you lost your phone. Why don't you just get a new one?"

"I can't afford a new one. And I can't do this alone. We have to find Derek and Mina."

Stiles felt even more upset when Scott mentioned her. Stiles never told Scott that he asked Mina to the formal and she said yes. He was a little glad too. Yesterday, when she told him she wouldn't go to the dance with him anymore, it broke him.

Here he was thinking that he got a chance with this amazing girl and was thinking about confessing his feelings to her. But, when she changed her broke his heart. He really didn't want to believe she changed her mind. She seemed happy when he asked her, but he guess he was mistaken.

He had everything planned out. He wait by the stairs at his house, since she still lived there, technically, and when she came down the stairs he would compliment her. Tell her she's beautiful. She could be in her sweats with her hair in a ponytail and he'll still think that. Then he was going to give her the corsage he already bought her. It was a corsage made of one orchid with red and yellow tulips surrounding it. He was going to take her in his Jeep and they'll dance the night away. Then when it's a slow song, the very first one, he'll confess his feelings. But, now, he can't.

"Well, A) You're not alone. You have me. And B) Didn't you say Derek and Mina walked into gunfire? They both sound pretty dead," Stiles said, wishing Mina wasn't dead.

Scott looked through his drawers. "Argent's plan was to use them to get to the alpha - they're not gonna kill them."

Stiles nodded his head. "All right, so then just let them do what they're planning, you know? They use them to get Peter - problem solved."

"Not if Peter's going after Allison to find Derek and Mina! I can't protect her on my own. Which means we either find them first - just - just help me!" Scott shouted.

"You know, you probably lost it when you three were fighting. You remember that, when they were trying to kill you, after you interrupted them trying to kill Jackson? Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here?" Because he has.

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