Meeting an Argent

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I woke up and got ready. Wearing my signature leather jacket with my black anchor tank top, grey shorts, and my black ankle boots. I came downstairs with my backpack.

Derek was near the door and asked, "Ready to go?" I nodded. We made our way towards his black camero and got in. "Remember the plan right?"

"Start school, find the beta, call you when I find said beta, look after him, and keep my head low," I listed boredly.

"Right. We don't need people knowing we're back yet."

"Derek, our last name alone, people will know we're back."

He gave me a glare before he began to drive. We arrived at the school a few minutes later and he parked in front. I got out and slammed his car door. I haven't even made my first step when I heard the camero sped away. I made my over to the bench where I was suppose to wait for the principal, who has my schedule and locker number.

I was waiting a few minutes until I felt a presence next to me. It was a girl with long curly hair and pale skin. She smiled at me and introduced herself.

"Hi, are you new here too? Wait a minute...dumb question. Of course you're  new or you wouldn't be out here...sorry I'm babbling. I'm Allison. Allison Argent," She said.

Argent. As in hunter, Argent. As in the Argent that got my house burned down ten years ago, Argent. As in the Argent who would shoot first ask questions later, Argent. That Argent. Keeping the shocked and pissed off look off my face I grabbed her outstretched hand and shook it.

"No problem. I'm new here too. I'm Mina, Mina Hale."

She smiled at me. "At least now we both know someone. Do you want to be friends?"

Alarms were going inside my head. Don't trust her, she's an Argent. Argent as in werewolf hunters. But, I ignored that thought and faked smiled to her.

"Sure, at least we won't go through this alone."

She laughed then her phone rang. When she was looking for her phone I quickly texted Derek.


Didn't find the beta yet. But got a problem, there's a mini Argent and she goes here.

Derek texted back immediately.


Don't talk to her, don't befriend her, don't trust her, just find the beta.

I put my phone back. Too late on the befriending part. Allison finally found her phone and answered it.

"Mom three calls on my first day is a little overdoing it...yeah, everything except a pen...oh my god, I didn't actually forget a pen, hold on."

She looked at me and asked, "Do you have a pen?" I looked through my bag real quick and couldn't find one. I shook my head at her. "Ya, I forgot one...that was my friend...yes, Mom, I made a new friend...her name's Mina...Hale..." She looked up and the principal was making his way over to us. "Okay...Okay...I gotta go...Love you too."

The principal came to us and shook our hands as we stood. He handed us our schedule and locker numbers as we made our way inside the school.

"Sorry to keep you both waiting. Looks like you both share the same class so this will be quick. Allison, you were saying that San Francisco isn't where you grew up?" He asked her.

"No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual in my family," She said.

"Well, hopefully Beacon Hills will be your last stop for a while."

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