The Tell

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Lydia wanted me to watch a movie with her and Jackson. She kept going on and on about how we don't hangout that often. Let me tell you, she wasn't taking no for an answer.

Here I am in the back seat of her car. I was texting Derek, I was suppose to be helping him and Scott tonight. But after I told him Lydia wanted to hangout and how she's just as stubborn as he is, he let me go.

Jackson was trying to talk Lydia out of watching The Notebook. Any of his movie choices would have been a better pick.

"Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever. It is the best sports movie ever made," Jackson said.

"No," Lydia responded.

"It's got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper."


"Mina, could you back me up here?"

I sighed. "He does have a point, Lydia. And to be honest it sounds like a better movie."


"Lydia, I swear to god you're gonna like it," Jackson tried


"I am not watching The Notebook again."

Lydia gave him a look and he got out. "Mina, can you go in and make sure he gets the movie?"

"Why am I even here? You and Jackson are probably going to suck face during the whole movie," I said.

"Just make sure he gets it."

I glared at her and got out. I made my way inside when Jackson asked, "Can somebody help me find The Notebook?"

He turned around when he saw me come in. "She wanted me to make sure you get the movie," I stated plainly. He just nodded his head.

We been looking around for a while. "Hello, does anybody work in here?"

Then the lights flickered. Jackson began walking towards the pair of feet he saw on the ground. I followed him and we saw the body of the video store clerk. His throat was all bloodied and he had claw marks on him, which means the alpha was here - maybe he's still here.

I got my phone out and send a quick message to Derek.


Alpha. Video Store. Get here now!!!

Jackson and I backed away until he bumped into a ladder causing it to fall. We continued to walked away until we heard a growl behind us. We turned around and the alpha was there. Shit. I ducked down behind the shelf, pulling Jackson down with me. Jackson decide to poke his head out.

I heard the alpha move. Jackson pulled his head back in. Suddenly, the shelves were being knocked over. I moved one way and Jackson moved the other. I was safe, but Jackson's lower half of his body got caught. He was stuck. I got up, turned around and shifted, at least Jackson couldn't see.

I charged at it, but in one swift motion it clawed my chest. It roared at me when he grabbed my throat and threw me to the side. My back collide with the shelf, making it fall on me.

"Mina!" Jackson yelled.

I shifted back and tried to push the shelf off me. I finally got the shelf off when I heard a crash. I turned around to see the window broken. I ran over to Jackson.

"I'm gonna lift it up. You crawl your way out," I told him. He nodded. I lifted the shelf and he crawled out.

"You ok?" I asked him.

"Mina, your bleeding," He worryingly said, looking at the blood seeping through my shirt.

It was slowing healing, that I already know. I zipped up my jacket. "I'm fine, Jackson. You check on Lydia, I'll call the cops."

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