Nothing But Idiots

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Why do I have to go to school? It's nothing but teachers who have a Rip My Throat sign on their heads.

Right now I'm in Harris' class. I asked if I could be excused, Derek texted saying he was outside and needed to talk, it's important. Mr. Douchbag replys, "No." Then I tell him it's an emergency he still says, "Even if the world is ending my answer will still be no. Sit down."

Derek texted again telling me to get my ass outside. I kept tapping my fingers on the table when a paper ball was thrown at me. I looked around and Stiles - who was in the same class, apparently - mouthed what's wrong? I glared at him and said none of your business. Not wanting to face the wrath of Derek, I grabbed my stuff and got out of there, ignoring Mr. Douchbag.


I made my way outside and see Derek standing by his car. I made my way over to him. "Took you long enough," He said.

I glared at him. "Well excuse me if Mr. Douchbag wouldn't let me out. Anyway, what's so important that I had to be here?"

He rolled his eyes. "I got a lead on the alpha." That peeked my interest.

"What? Where is it?"

"It was heading toward the cemetery. We're going to check it out tonight."

"Why not right now?"

"Too many witnesses. If we go now people might ask us questions. And you need to finish your classes." He smirked when he saw the disgusted look on my face.

"Stop enjoying this," I said giving him another glare.

"Stop your whining and get back in there." He told me, smirk still on his face. He knows how I feel about school.

"I hate you."

"You love me."

"Unfortunately, I do."


Well, class is officially over. I headed over to my locker and see Allison opening hers. She turned and smiled at me. "Hey, Mina."

"Allison," I greeted back. Why is she always smiling at me?

"Good thing you're here. I don't know what to do and I could use the advise," She said as she got her jacket out. Was that the one she wore from the party? Derek must have put it there.

I got my books and slammed my locker shut. I was leaning against it and said, "Go for it."

"Ok, Scott and I were thinking about hanging out together this week, but I don't know what we should do?"

Scott this, Scott that. I swear if I hear the S word one more time, I gonna start throwing punches.

I thought about it for a while. "I don't know, is this a hangout or a hangout?"

"What do you mean?"

I rolled my eyes. "Are you guys hanging out or is it a date?"

She began to turn red and was getting nervous. "I don't know. What do I do if it's a date?"

I raised my eyebrow at her. Is she really serious? "Are you serious?"

"Ya, I'm serious. Mina, I just want some advise." I scoffed. She closed her locker. "Ok, you don't have to say anything, I get it."

"Get what?" I asked, where is.  this going?

"I'm being paranoid about this. It's not even a date and he probably doesn't like me anyway."

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