Pack Mentality

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3rd POV

Scott and Stiles arrived at the school. Scott told Stiles about the dream he had last night. He was with Allison and they were in the bus, making out, when he started to attack her.

"So you killed her?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know! I just woke up! I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't breath...I never had a dream where I woke up like that before."

"Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently."

Scott gave Stiles a look. "A) I meant, I never had a dream that felt that real, and B) Never give me that much detail about you in bed again."

"Noted. Let me take a guess here..."

Scott interrupted him with a sigh. "No, I know. You think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow. Like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out."

"No, of course not...yeah, that's totally it. Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine, alright? Personally, I think you're handling it pretty freaking amazingly. You know, it's not like there are some lycanthropy for beginners class you can take..."

"Yeah, not a class, but...maybe some teachers."

"Who, Derek and Mina?" Stiles slapped the back of Scott's head. "Did you forget the part where we got him tossed in jail? And Mina's not exactly on speaking terms with us!"

"Yeah, I know! But...chasing her, dragging her on the back of the bus, it just felt so real."

"How real?" Stiles asked.

"Like it actually happened."

They opened the door and they see the police in the parking lot. Their eyes widen when they saw the bus. The back door was dented, blood everywhere and there were scratch marks.

"I think it did," Stiles said.


Mina's POV

I made my way inside the school. After telling Derek what happened at the bus last night he told me to just go on with my day.

While I was walking down the hallway I caught someone's anger...Scott's. Derek told me I still need to watch over him. We've argued for hours. I told him that we shouldn't help him for what they did. He just replied that they're idiots and how we still need to look after him. Let's just say Derek won.

I found him and made my way over. I don't know why he's getting angry, but it must be bad if he punched Jackson's locker. He looked up and saw me standing there. I raised my eyebrow at him. He grabbed my shoulders, shaking them a little. "Mina, have you seen Allison?" He asked frantically.

"No, I just got here."

I hissed a little when I felt blood seeping through my shoulders. Scott realized what he was doing and let's go with a mumbled 'sorry.'

He went to another corner when he bumped into someone. Allison. She smiled while saying, "Oh, you scared the hell out of me!"

I went over to Stiles. "Why was he worried?" I asked him.

Stiles looked at me and said, "Scott dreamt that he wolfed out and attacked Allison on the bus. This morning we saw the bus covered in blood and he panicked, thinking he really attacked her."

I rolled my eyes. He didn't attack her. I was there with him on the bus when the alpha attacked the driver.

"Idiot," I mummbled. There was an announcement about how class will still be going, even after the attack.

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