Night School

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Scott and Stiles dragged me towards the school while I was struggling to get out of their hold. I need to get to Derek. He can't be dead. We made our way inside, Scott shuts the door and I took this as a chance to get pass them. I ran towards the door, but someone grabbed me from behind and pulled me back.

"Let me go!" I growled.

"Mina, in case you forgot, but there's a crazy psycho alpha right outside," Stiles whispered harshly.

I struggled against Scott's grip."I don't care. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch even if I have to tear you two apart do it."

"Mina, we can't do anything right now. We need to stick together. And we need to lock the doors before he gets in!" He tells me.

I didn't stop though. I wanted to run back outside and rip that alpha's head off. Scott held on tighter while Stiles looked outside the window. Scott looked over my head to check too. He looked at Stiles and told him no. Without another word Stiles left. Scott let's go of me, seeing I stopped struggling, and we saw Stiles getting the bolt cutters. The alpha was a few feet away, right behind him. We started yelling for him.

"Run! Stiles! Stiles!"

"Run you idiot!"

Stiles started running while I held the door open. When he was a few feet away, I grabbed him and pulled him inside. As soon as I closed the doors he locked it with the cutters. Then we looked outside. The alpha wasn't there. DAMN IT!

"Where did is it? Where did it go?" I asked.

Scott asked if the cutters were enough to lock the door. It wasn't. Not wanting to be in the open space, we ran.


"The desk," Stiles tells us as soon as we found an open classroom. Scott and I began to push the desk to the door until Stiles stopped us. "Stop, stop. The door's not gonna keep it out."

"I know," Scott said.

"It's your boss."


"Deaton, the alpha? Your boss."


"Yes, murdering psycho werewolf."

"That can't be."

"Oh come on. He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek 20 feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?"

"It's not him."

"He killed Derek."

I glared at them. "He not dead. Derek's not dead."

Stiles turns to me. "Mina, blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead, and we're next."

"So what are we suppose to do then, huh? Come on, Stiles? You seem to know everything. What would you have us do?" I asked annoyed and irritated.

"We get to my Jeep, we get out of here." He looks at Scott. "And you seriously think about quitting your job, good?" Scott and I made our way towards the windows to try and open them. "No, they don't open. The school's climate-controlled." Oh, great. Just fan-fucking-tastic.

"Then we break it," Scott said. I looked at the Jeep while they talked. The hood looked bent. Was it always like that?

"Stiles, what's wrong with the hood of your jeep?" I asked.

"What do you mean? Nothing's wrong," He said.

"It's bent."

"What, like dented?"

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