Chapter 2

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Nina Dobrev as Rosabelle Winters. Such a beautiful woman. One of my many role models.


Without a hesitation, I wrapped my arms around my mate's neck and leaned in, breathing in his luring smell. He smelt like wood and grass, reminding me of the forest. Unlike Mason's lemony smell I grew fond of, his scent was manly and refreshing.

One moment, everything was unicorns and rainbows, the next, it was a chaos.

I was comfortably snuggled up against my mate when Mason snatched me from him and growled threatningly. I stared at his back confusedly as I tried to get a glimpse of my mate. I gasped when I saw that his vibrant blue eyes were pitch black.

I reached for him, aware that my touch would calm him down but Mason grabbed it and pushed me back, making me stumble.

Mason's clothes ripped to shreds as he shifted to his big, brown wolf. He let out a growl and that immediately angered my mate even more. He didn't shift like Mason but he let out an animalistic growl that shook the whole pack house and attacked an unsuspecting Mason, knocking him to the ground.

Mason howled in shock as my mate dominated him. I stood in shock as my mate calmed down and turned to me, as if he finally remembered that I was there. He stood up from Mason's half-unconscious body and slowly approached me with a powerful aura.

'Come here.' He commanded with his deep voice. I shivered at how attractive his voice sounded.

I followed his orders, even though I was a bit pissed that he was commanding me. He moved like a lightning as he threw me over his shoulder and ran out the door in record speed, not enough for me to even say goodbye to my parents and friends. I was officially kidnapped.

When it registered in my brain, I started to thrash around. My mate growled in annoyance and clutche dme tighter as he sped up. I didn't understand how he was running so fast. Only alphas possessed ultimate speed. Unless...

In a flash, I stopped moving and so did my mate. I will call him blue eyes for now. Blue eyes didn't let go of me and started to get closer to something hidden between the fog. It was night so the sky looked even more murkier as we stepped into the fog.

For the first time since he kidnapped me, I decided to speak.

'Who are you?'

His eyes flickered over to me before facing forward again. He completely ignored my question and continued towards his destination, dragging me with him by my wrist. I tried to snatch back my arm but his grip was strong and firm, proving to be difficult.

'Stop struggling!' He shouted and threw me on his shoulder. I lay against him like a limp doll and closed my eyes in exhaustion. I could feel that he calmed down and I tried not to annoy him. I didn't get it, mate's were supposed to be caring and gentle, not rough and cruel. Mine wasn't acting like a true mate.

His body stopped moving and I opened one of my eyes and gaped at the sight.

A tall, grey brick building stood, towering over us. The windows were the only thing brightly shining, I thought, the rest of the mansion was all dark and gloomy. Why did blue eyes come here with me?

Without a word, he resumed advancing towards the building and I made no sound, mesmerized by the strange building.

Blue eyes entered the building and was soon crowded by many people.

'Who is she?' A girl with the exact feauture as blue eyes asked, eyeing me curiously.

'She's hot, bro!' An older looking boy commented, making me blush.

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