Chapter 12

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A finger twirled my hair as I sighed contently.

We were sitting on the edge of my bed. My head leaned against his shoulder and everytime he inhaled and exhaled, my head moved along with it.

Silence overruled us but I was fine with it as long as he didn't close off his walls again. I didn't think I would make it back up again.

'My rose, I must go.' Sebastian began. His words deflated me again. 'But I will be back at night. Will you wait for me?'

My heart soared and I eagerly nodded, a grin overtaking my face. My face hurt from the excessive stretching but I didn't have that in mind.

'I will.' I replied. He smiled softly and kissed my forehead gently before slowly rising. I watched until he is out of my sight, my heart pounding like a drum in my chest. I was truly in love with him. The question was, was he?

I couldn't help the grin appearing on my face as I thought of the possibility of him loving me. All those midnight wishes would be paid off.


(2 weeks later)

'My rose, where are you?' His smooth voice called for me. I giggled under my breath and silenced myself.

As he searched for me, I thought back to the day he asked me to be his girlfriend.


'Little Belle, you need to come with me.'

I look up from the book I was reading and give him a skeptical look.

'Why exactly?' I ask.

'Sebastian told me to bring you. Consult it with your mate.' He shrugs, smiling. I could tell that it wasn't anything bad.

Ever since I got more closer to Sebastian, I noticed that him and Sage were mending their relationship. I have no idea what brought it to this but I was glad. I didn't have to watch anyone get hurt anymore.

'Ok. Lead me.' I stand up enthusiastically, closing my book. I'll find the page again later.

Sage snickers at me before turning and leading us to Sebastian. We passed Sebastian's study but did not stop and I began to wonder what was going on.

Soon, we were by garden. Beautiful roses of many colours spread evenly along the bright green field. I loved the sight of spring as it brought warmth to my heart.

'Sage, where's Sebastian?'

There was no reply. I turned around. Sage was nowhere to be found. I was alone. Not for long though.

Sebastian appeared in front of me with a bouquet of roses. I gasped.

'Sebastian! How, where, what?'

He slyly smiled. I've been fortunate enough to see him smile often lately.

'Rosabelle, mia rosa, will you please... be my girlfriend?' He asked, kneeling slightly.

One. Two. Three.

He looks anxious as I stand, frozen.

'OH MY GOD, YES!' I squeal, jumping on to him. We fall back to the ground but he softens the fall as he wraps his arm around me. I giggle.

That was my favourite day so far with him. Excluding the first kiss with him, of course.

*flashback ends*

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