1) Welcome to the Quidditch World Cup

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Ft. Fam at the World Cup

Lily's POV
If it wasn't the searing pain coming from the lightning bolt scar on my forehead that woke me up, it was definitely the fact someone was violently nudging me awake. "Let me sleep." I groaned, rolling over face first into my pillow.

"Lily Potter! Draco's making out with Pansy Parkinson!"

I sat bolt up-right. "VHAT?!!!" My sleepy green eyes made contact with Hermione's mischief filled dark-brown ones. I snatched up my pillow and pegged it at her, but she managed to catch it. "Stuff you, it's too early for zhis."

"Too bad, if you want to go to one of the biggest wizarding conventions in the world, I suggest you get up. Molly has breakfast ready." And with that she sauntered out of the room, the door softly closing behind her, to go wake up the boys.

Molly, if you didn't know, was Mrs Weasley, and we, my twin brother Harry and I, had stayed at The Burrow for a night before travelling to the Quidditch World Cup the next day. Sirius, Harry's godfather and our guardian, managed to get the two of us tickets, but unfortunately he couldn't come due to 'top-secret author business' he had to attend to. Whatever. Hermione arrived last night and all of us would be travelling from here to Kings Cross station to board the Hogwarts Express in just a few days.

We weren't the only ones sharing the Weasley household, Bill and Charlie Weasley, Ron's two older brothers who had left the nest, were staying overnight for the Cup, as well as a colleague of Charlie's, Antonia Scamander. Even though I had only met them last night, I loved the three of them instantly. Charlie was much like the twins in personality; joking, careless and funny. He and Antonia, who were exclusively just friends, worked with dragons in Rumania. Antonia had a thin, dirty-blonde hair cropped short just below her shoulders and lovely hazel eyes, with a kind smile.

Bill was different though, expecting a past Head Boy to be much like Percy, you wouldn't believe he had long hair tied back in a ponytail and a fang pierced through his left ear lobe. Of course, Percy still lived here though he had graduated and was now working as an assistant for the Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation; Bartemius Crouch.

I childishly mocked Hermione with a pinched face and swivelled my head to a weary looking Ginny. "Did you have any say in zhis?"

She shook her head, smiling tiredly. "She poured a bucket of water on me." (Dried herself before Lily woke up)

I chuckled at Hermione's antics in trying to get 'Sleeping-Beauty Ginny' to wake and threw the blankets off me, flicking my hand over my shoulder as magic remade the bed for me, and I opened up my trunk. "Vhat to vear? Vhat to vear?"

"Wear that cute top you wore last weekend, remember? On your date with Malfoy?" Tired, little old Ginny had only managed to sit up, her legs hanging over the edge of her bed, however, she still managed to wear a smug expression on her cute-as-a-button face.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I remember, Gin. I might wear zhat tonight, but for now, I'll just wear skinny jeans and my orange blouse."

I kissed a yawning Harry on the cheek when I entered the kitchen, taking a seat beside him and eyed the crispy bacon set out on the table eagerly. "Aww, where's my 'good morning' kiss?" Fred fake pouted from the seat on my left.

I smirked but pecked him on the cheek nonetheless, then George poked his head round from the other side of his twin. "Hey! Now I feel left out."

I chuckled and reached round Fred to kiss George, only on the cheek of course. I settled down to start breakfast when Mrs Weasley gave a loud screech, causing everyone to jump, but the twins to cringe. "I told you to destroy them! You two know better! What have we been telling you all these years?! You have to have ambition! Destroy them!"

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