2) Don't Tell Your Mother You've Been Gambling

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Ft. The Dark Mark

Lily's POV
"Don't tell your mother you've been gambling." Mr Weasley warned, his tone dangerous, as the twins spilt their winnings, from predicting the outcome of the game, onto the living room table. Everyone was currently dancing around the dining room, Irish folk songs playing in the air around us, as we could hear people outside performing music and singing loudly.

Harry had an Irish flag wrapped around his shoulders, while I supported a Bulgarian one. "There's no one like Krum." Ron muttered.

I smiled. "Except for Harry."

Ron grinned at my statement, while Charlie and Bill looked up at Ron with dopey faces. "Krum? Dumb Krum." They drawled.

They grabbed the Irish flags displayed around their shoulders and flapped their arms, walking around Ron who was standing on the coffee table. "He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind," Ron said, looking dreamily into space. "He's more than an athlete. He's an artist."

"I think you're in love, Ron." Ginny smiled up at her youngest of older brothers.

"Shut up." He muttered, embarrassed yet didn't want to be rude to his sister.

She smirked at Harry, before going over to stand next to Antonia. The two eldest Weasley boys sang a song. "Viktor, I love you."

"Viktor, I do." Bill continued.

"When we're apart, my heart beats only for you." We all joined in, laughing.

I walked over to the secluded corner Harry resided in. His gaze instantly snapped towards me and the expression on his face told me he knew something was wrong. "Hey, Lil."

"Hey, bro." I leaned against the solid side of the tent, next to him. "Did you enjoy zhe match?"

"You're terrible at small talk." He chuckled. "What's wrong?"

"What happened zhis morning?" My tone switched to all seriousness. He shuffled awkwardly. "Why did I wake up and my scar hurt, for no reason? You wouldn't keep things from your twin?"

He sighed, sounding tired. "I had a nightmare last night."

I gave him a quizzical look. "A nightmare?"

"No. Well yeah, sorta. It was a dream, but it felt so real. I don't understand how something happens to me and you feel it?"

I laughed, shrugging. "Probably to do wiz zhe fact we're twins. What was zhe dream abo-?"

There was a loud bang from outside making everyone freeze in place. "Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on." George commented, trying to break the tension.

Mr Weasley came running in, his face horror-stricken. "It's not the Irish." He grabbed George, looking at all of us. "We've got to get out of here. Now!"

Before even I could react Harry grabbed my wrist, going into 'protective brother' mode instantly and hauled me towards the entrance of the tent. The twins scooped up their money and the four oldest went to help the Ministry control whatever was happening. Leaving all our belongings, we exited the quiet haven of our home-away-from-home, into a chaotic campsite. People were running in all directions, tripping over things, so,e getting trampled and screaming 'Death Eaters!'.

Through the crowd of moving people and the smoke from burning tents, a group of people clad in black and silvery masks marched towards us. Mr Weasley turned to us. "Everyone into the woods and stick together! Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility."

They took a hold of their sister and ran with her in the direction of the trees, away from the flaming tents and masked people. Mr Weasley ran ahead of Ron through the crowd, followed by Hermione who grabbed my hand and pulled me with her, too quickly for me to grab onto Harry. "Harry!"

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