13) Vell, Actually I'm Sitting On Zhem.

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Ft. Harry saving Fleur

Lily's POV
A blue mist was seeping through the seemingly endless green hedge and I hesitantly took my first step forward. The deafening silence seemed to increase ten-fold. Great. It took me a while to come to my first intersection with no sign of Cedric and I turned left, then right, then left coming face to face with a giant Blast-Ended Skrewts. Oh, so that's why we raised them throughout the year, for it to kill me in the final task. Ironic. Dodging a burst of flame, I ran down the opposite turn I'd come down, not stopping until I'd at least made three right turns and two lefts. Doubling over, I put my hands on my knees puffing from fright.

The terrible sound of wind madly rushing towards me came from the left, pushing me to go right, followed by the sound of footsteps. Already scared out of my skin I raised my wand, not having lit it for this very reason and pressed myself into the hedge as best I could. V stomped passed his eyes swirling in a milky white colour. He seemed possessed. Once I was sure he'd gone, I went in the opposite direction he'd gone.

A scream echoed throughout the maze. Fleur. Bolting down the end of the aisle of green, i turned left, right and left, trying to get to my friend, she was in trouble. Red sparks were shot into the air from just around the corner. Slowing to a walk, I slunk along the hedge, peeping around the corner to see Fleur in a tangle of roots from the hedge, being pulled under. A figure was disappearing around the corner taking a left turn. I rushed forward and turned right.

The horrible wind blew up once again, making me turn around, following the figures path, until the hedge closed up in front of me. Phew. I turned to keep running but collided with someone, causing both of us to fall on our arses. Harry. We sat there panting and looking at each other like we'd saved each others lives. He reached for the me the same time I did and we wrapped our arms around each other in a tight hug. A glistening light from the end of the aisle interrupting our moment and we watched the Triwizard Cup disappear behind a wall of hedge.

We stood, walking steadily towards the hedge that just closed up. There was a flash of light and Krum appeared, his wand raised, not pointing at us but to our right, at an armed Cedric. "Get down!" The Hufflepuff shouted.

We ducked, a green flash of light scarcely missing Cedric. He waved his wand. "Expelliamus!"

The charm hit Viktor solidly in the chest and he was thrown back onto the ground unconscious. Cedric ran over the top of us to Krum and kicked his wand out of his hand, pointing his own at the Durmstrang. Harry jumped up and grabbed Cedric's arm. "No don't! Stop! He's bewitched, Cedric!"

I jumped up and pushed between the two of them, pushing them apart, before making a dash for it down the end of the aisle, the two boys battling to keep up with me. I turned right and there was the Triwizard Cup, causing us all to freeze.

"Yes." Harry hissed and the three of us took off.

The roots of the hedge erupted from the ground at our feet and limbs of the hedge whipped round to whack us in the faces as we ran. I tripped and fell, the two overtaking me without a look over their shoulders. Getting back up, I continued after them, almost tripping over Cedric as he got tangled with roots. "Harry! Lily!"

Harry stopped ahead of me, turning back around, while I stood over the older boy. We had a chance to win this, imagine the money, the glory, the fame...No! I flicked my wand. "Immobulus."

The roots stopped their assault, allowing Harry and I to easily rip them off Cedric and help him stand. He consciously brushed himself off and muttered. "T-thanks."

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