4) S.P.E.W: Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare

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Ft. Fleur Delacour

Lily's POV
The forget-me-not blue dress stopped just above my knees, which were clad in black stockings, a semi button-up front, dark blue cuffs on the sleeves and a shawl that fell just past our shoulders, along with a slanted blue hat. The girls had fun putting dark eyeliner on me, with wing tips and light matching blue eyeshadow.

Hurrying out to the hall Maxime had us line up, Fleur and I the two at the front, three girls behind us and so on. The doors opened and we strutted in, chins held high, and neutral expressions on our faces. We walked down the aisle between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables, making it a little way before feigning to the side, letting out a sigh and reaching out to the people with our hands. Cedric grinned at me as I reached my hand towards him. We walked a few more steps and did the same thing, this time Fleur and I greeted Harry and Ron. I noticed Hermione seated across the table, looking slightly disgruntled.

All of us then raced forward, teetering on the balls of our feet before stopping and curving our hands, letting out enchanted blue butterflies that flew into the air. We ran to the front in a criss-crossed formation, Fleur and I the last to move, but instead we twirled towards the front in perfect pirouettes, with little second-year Gabrielle Delacour doing cartwheels beside me in her Firebird costume. She finished her cartwheels the same time we stepped out of the pirouettes and Fleur grabbed my right hand, Gabrielle running over to take my left. Together we bowed and disbursed before Maxime reached the front.

I ran around the side of the room, past the Slytherin table where I received a few high-fives and out to the Entrance Hall, to the opposite side-room where Durmstrang were waiting. Karkaroff chortled his deep happy laugh. "Lila! Oh no, ve call you Lily now! How are you, my dear?"

He embraced me, giving me a kiss on my temple. We stepped away from one another and I made my way through the crowd of boys, smiling and greeting each of them. Like Beauxbaton's only the sixth and seventh years had come to Hogwarts, instead of the entire school which seemed a bit odd to me. "V!"

I ran into his arms and he picked me up, spinning me around. "How iz my 'ittle 'ister, eh?"

I wrestled my way out of his hold, sliding to the floor. "Good, zhank you. Do you have my uniform?"

He grinned and gestured to a table behind him. I only had a few minutes as the boys congregated out in the hall, I striped off my dress, leaving my stockings on, and put the black clingy dress on, that fell away at my hips and fell to the floor, trailing slightly behind me. Quickly wiping off the blue eyeshadow, I replaced it with a thin strip of black, a thicker strip of red, and heavy dark eyeliner. I kept my hair in its neat bun, removing the hat and replacing it with a black feathered headpiece, one black feather and one red one. Strapping on my six-inch heels, I grabbed the great bear fur-coat and slung it over my right shoulder, positioning it into place. All of this being formal wear and not my standard uniform.

I walked out just in time too, the boys walked into the Hall putting on a show for the schools, while I stepped in the middle of V and Karkaroff. We walked down the aisle as the boys put on a show for the schools. V grabbed my hand and twirled me under his arm three times, letting go as I faced the student body, raising my arms as he dress fanned out and I created the wings for the fire bird symbol of the school, a student was conjuring beside me. The cloak erupted in flames, causing a few screams of surprise, but it wasn't dangerous.

I dropped my arms, the flames disappearing and the boy next to me stood to take my hand. As I looked round at him I came face-to-face with my ex-boyfriend Daniel Roméro. He gently held out a hand for me to take, his chiselled face sporting a perceiving smile. I returned the smile, taking his hand and we bowed. took his hand and we bowed. The applause was raucous and I grinned at my friends who had risen for a standing-ovation. Karkaroff greeted Dumbledore then kissed me on the cheek as dismissal and I ran out of the applauding hall.

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