8) Nice One, Potter

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Ft. Harry being dopey

Lily's POV
On the day of the tournament merely a few days ago, there had been a layer of snow, but this, this was much deeper. Trenches had to be made for students to get around the grounds and there was a harsh blizzard nearly blowing everyone away. We stood shivering on the barren wing of the castle, looking at Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewts, which are nearly six-feet long.

We tried to act engaged but it was hard when you could physically feel your toes freezing their arses off. I didn't want to have to say this, but I was glad when the lesson ended and we reentered the castle for lunch. Care of Magical Creatures in winter shouldn't exist.

Draco ditched his buddies to come sit with me at the Gryffindor table (I swear I didn't ask no expect him to). He sat on my left, the trio on my right and Emmaline and Ginny opposite us. I turned to Harry to ask him a question and caught him staring at Cho again. "Harry, stop staring-"

I startled him to the point of him jumping in his seat and spraying his pumpkin juice all over his food in front of him, just as Cho looked over too. I clamped a hand over my mouth to stop from laughing but quickly gave up as the others couldn't contain themselves.

"Nice one, Potter." Draco teased, smirking at my brother as he stiffly turned towards me.


After calming down. "Stop staring at her and go ask her out, you'll never get a girl if you just stare from the sidelines. Plus, you won't get her if you continue to spray pumpkin juice everywhere." I couldn't help but erupt in another fit of giggles.

"Yeah, very funny." He muttered sarcastically.

"Look at this!" Hermione said, outraged. She slammed the Daily Prophet she had been reading on the table. "I can't believe it, she's done it again. Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards." I leaned over my empty plate to look at the article. "Her latest pray, sources report, is none other than Bulgarian bonbon, Viktor Krum."

"He's not a bonbon," I muttered. "Anyway, I hope he has zhe sense, to realise zhat zhis is just her speaking and nozhing else." I took a sip from my own pumpkin juice, looking at Hermione, who wouldn't meet my eye. I spat my pumpkin juice out, only back into the goblet and gave her an incredulous look. "You like V? Oh, Hermione."

She glared at me. "I do not!" She cast her eyes quickly downwards and studied the article.

A random boy in first year came up to us, holding a rather large box. "Parcel for you Mr Weasley."

"Oh, thank you, Nigel." Ron took the parcel graciously off him, moving his full-to-the-brim plate over so he could set it down on the table in front of him. He glanced back at the boy who was staring intently at me. I stared back, not blinking. Draco cleared his throat, wrapping an arm casually around my shoulders, matching my glare.

"Oh, not now Nigel, later." Ron nudged the disappointed boy away and I turned my glare to him, raising an eyebrow. "I said he could have your autograph."

I almost scoffed but refrained to just the shake of my head. Ron unwrapped the parcel. "Oh look, mum sent me something." He grabbed the ruffled lace material and stood up, holding it against his body frame. "Mum sent me a dress?!"

I gaped at the ugly artefact before me. "Well, it does match your eyes." Harry snickered. "Is there a bonnet? Aha." He fished through the box, pulling out what he was looking for; another white lacy garment.

Ron rolled his eyes. "Put those down, Harry." Draco chuckled as Ron shoved the artefact towards his sister. "Ginny, I think this is for you."

She screwed her nose up in disgust. "I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly!" She quickly rose and ran from the hideous garment.

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