5) Get a grip, girl!

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Ft. Rita What-A-Bitch Skeeter

Lily's POV
I climbed through the portrait hole with Harry, the noise being the first thing to hit us. Fred and George were in front of us. "You didn't tell us you were trying to enter the tournament?!"

"How on earth did you do it?"

I ignored them as they swarmed, and pushed through to try and find Ginny and Harriet. I spotted them at the foot of the girl dorm stairs and pushed and shoved my way towards them. They themselves seemed to be searching for someone and when they spotted me they grinned and grabbed my hands, pulling me into a hug. "We have to ask, did you put your names in?"

I shook my head. "No Gin, neither of us did."

She nodded. "Didn't think so. We believe you, come on."

We trudged up the stairs and entered the dormitory to find Hermione, Parvati and Padma Patil, Lavender Brown, Katie Bell and Leanne Johnston. I offered a small smile. "To make living bearable, I want you all to know that Harry nor I, entered our names-"

"Of course you did, otherwise how did it get in there." Parvati spat, though normally we never got on, this was different. "It's not as though you guys have a death wish."

"The minute Harry and Lily survived Voldemort's killing curse, they've had a death wish, Parvati." Harriet sassily crossed her arms. At the mention of Voldemort, everyone flinched.

"We don't want eternal glory." I sighed.

"I believe you." Hermione nodded, smiling.

"I do too." Padma, Katie, Leanne and Lavender stepped forward.

Parvati stayed silent, looking anywhere but at me. I didn't care if she didn't believe me, I had more pressing issues than Parvati's opinion of me and my brother, like keeping the two of us alive. Getting into bed, the events of today played on replay in my mind, sending me into a dizzy sleep.


Hattie and Ginny walked down into the common room with me the next morning, the others still asleep, when we were met with a lonely Harry sitting in front of the fire, in an empty room. The girls patted my shoulder understandingly and climbed through the portrait hole to go to breakfast.

"Hey, Harry are you okay?" I asked, sitting down beside him on the couch.

He just shook his head not bothering to hide his emotions. "I thought I could get through this, with Hermione and Ron, but he doesn't believe me when I tell him I didn't put my name in."

I rolled my eyes. "That boy...he needs to get over it." Harry gave me a quizzical look. "It's obvious, isn't it? He's jealous."

"Jealous?! Of what?!" He exclaimed.

"Of us, our fame. His best friend is one of the most famous wizards in history and he kinda gets pushed aside when attention is concerned. Even with his own mother, Molly adores us and well there's seven other children for Ron to compete with."

Harry pondered this for a moment but didn't seem to disagree. "Let's write to Sirius."

He handed me the piece of parchment and quill that had been sitting in his lap untouched. "Okay." I sighed.
'Dear Sirius,
Judging by the fact you work at the Ministry you'd know about the Triwizard Tournament taking place at Hogwarts this year (thanks for the heads up). But last night both of our names were drawn as the fourth and fifth champion. We don't know who put our names in the Goblet of Fire, but neither of us did. Unfortunately, there's nothing that can be done and we must compete. The other champions include; Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons, Viktor Krum from Durmstrang and Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff House.
Sorry, we know it's been two months without a single letter, but both of us have been very preoccupied. A girl was found unconscious outside the school gates, with no memories. The Ministry has been notified, but Dumbledore thought it would be best and safest for her to stay here. We called her Harriet and she looks uncannily like Harry.
Will keep you posted on Tournament status, try not to worry too much. Hope you are well and work is going great. Love Harry and Lily xoxo'

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