6) Hey! No PDA In Front Of Me!

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Lily's POV
The only thing that was keeping Harry and I going for the next couple of weeks was the prospect of seeing Sirius, who always managed to make you feel like everything was going to be okay. The shock of becoming champions was long gone, replaced with the fear of the inevitably dangerous first task. To add to the pile of stress, Rita Skeeter had published her article, except it wasn't about the Triwizard Tournament but a motley life-story of Harry and I. Every 'er' from Harry was filled in with sentences and most of the stuff neither of us had ever said in our life.

"We get our strength from our parents, they'd be very proud of us...sometimes at night, more commonly at home, I crawl into bed with Lily and cuddle her until she stops crying and falls asleep, sometimes I'll cry with her. We know nothing will hurt us in the Tournament because they're watching over us." — Harry Potter

Both twins have finally found love at Hogwarts; Lily Potter dates 'the Slytherin Prince' Draco Malfoy, for a few months now in fact and it's been brought to attention the intimacy between the two at such a young age. Harry Potter has reportedly rarely been seen without the company of pretty, Muggle-born girl Hermione Granger."

This falsehood had colossal effects on every person mentioned. Both Harry and I were taunted everywhere we went, the rest of the school, apart from Gryffindor, sent us dirty glares whenever we passed by clearly insulted we had stolen Cedric's and Hufflepuffs fame. People had bothered Hermione too and she made a point to avoid Harry, but he understood. Draco and I had our second fight in two weeks.

"Zid you give her an interview?!" I hissed, outraged at the article as we stood alone in the courtyard.

He shook his head, his hands up in surrender. "Of course not and as if you think I would say something like that. What happens in our relationship isn't anybody's business."

"No, it's not!" I put my hands in my pockets, pulling out the dozens of condoms people had thrown at me in the hallway. "Yet zhey veel zhey need to give me zhese by pelting zhem at moi in public. Zome zay zhings like 'Better zafe, zhan zorry.' Zhey feel like it's zheir buzinez!"

"Lil calm down. Skeeter's just done it to ruin your reputation, it's what she does, it's just so people read her article."

"Ruin moi reputation?!" I was on the brink of tears. "I have a life zhreatening tournament to conzentrate on, she's now zhe most zressful zhing zecond to zhat. I can't go anyvhere vithout people zhrowing zhese at moi and giving me looks like I'm zome whore!"

Draco stood now, from perching on the low stone wall. "Lily-"

"No! Zhis...zhis is your vault!"

He snapped. "How is this my fault?!"

I turned on my heel, having had enough, my emotions all over the place. "It just is."

Of course, it wasn't his fault, not even close and I had just been a little bit of a witch. After spending the afternoon in the girl dormitory crying my eyes out in frustration at the article, guilt at fighting with Draco, anger at myself and fear for the first task and my brother's life. Once I was sure everyone was asleep in the dorms, I crawled out of my bed, wrapped my nightgown around me and made my way out of the Gryffindor Tower and down towards the dungeon. I wasn't entirely sure what I was going to do once I got there, maybe send a message to his room and leave and hope he didn't burn it out of anger.

But I didn't need to worry about such things as I entered the Slytherin common room, having muttered 'Horned Serpent', to find Draco sitting on the love-seat by the green fire. The moon over the lake cast an eery underwater glow into the room. He heard the wall slide close behind me and turned to see me standing there, trembling hands clasped in front of me. He slowly rose to his feet, his face a mixture of relief and reserved anger. There was no one else in the common room except us. I looked around nervously running my hands up and down my arms forgetting how cold it can get down here.

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