14) A Blonde Haired Leprechaun

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Ft. Barty Crouch Junior's Tell

Lily's POV
The door burst open with a loud bang and Dumbledore yelled, "Expelliamus!" Moody was thrown back into his chair. Minnie, Snape and Sirius came in behind him, Minni and Sirius shielding us. "Severus."

The potions master stepped forward, tipping three drops from a vial into Moody's mouth. Veritaserum. He gaged a couple of times before swallowing, Dumbledore holding his throat. "Do you know who I am?"

"Albus Dumbledore." Moody growled out.

"Are you Alastor Moody?"

"No." He said, struggling.

"Is he in this room?!" Dumbledore shouted. 'Moody's' eye went to the chest that we were standing behind. "Harry! Lily! Away from there."

We moved away, Minnie wrapping an arm around each of our shoulders. Snape hit the lock with a spell and it immediately opened, then produced another chest which opened, then another, then another, then another, before finally they stopped. We slowly crept forward and looked down into the deep chest. In the distance, at the bottom of the chest, a figure was sprawled out in bedclothes.

"Are you alright Alastor?" Dumbledore called down.

"I'm sorry, Albus." Called the real Alastor Moody.

"If that's Moody, then who's..."

Snape took a whiff of 'Moody's' flask he was always drinking out of. "Polyjuice Potion."

"Now we know who's been stealing from your stores, Severus. We'll get you up in a minute." The headmaster called down to Moody.

We turned as the 'Moody' sitting in the chair started groaning, his face changing form and his hair turning a different colour, he popped his eye off, which fell to the floor. The wrinkles disappeared and he became somewhat smaller and skinnier. He leaned forward groaning as the Polyjuice Potion finally wore off. All of us had our wands pointed at him as he slowly lifted his head.

"Barty Crouch Junior." Dumbledore confirmed.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He pulled up his sleeve to reveal the Mark, Dumbledore grabbing Harry's sliced arm. "You know what this means, don't you? He's back. Lord Voldemort has returned." He did that tongue thing again and that's where I had seen it from when he was yelling at his father in the memory in the Pensieve.

"I'm sorry sir, I couldn't help it." Harry apologised.

"Send an owl to Azkaban, I think they'll find they have a prisoner missing." Dumbledore ordered.

"Wormtail's out too." I added, glancing at Sirius, who looked grim (pun intended).

"Two prisoners, then."

"I'll be welcome back like a hero." Junior cackled.

"Perhaps." Dumbledore shrugged him off, turning towards us. "Personally, I've never had much time for heroes."


Harry's POV
Lily and I lay in two separate beds in the Hospital Wing, Dumbledore had sent Madame Pomfrey to bed once we were well cared for. Sirius, Molly, Bill, the headmaster and Emmaline now stood around us, though we were barely awake. We had just recounted tonight's events to them all, a gentle flow of tears ran down my face.

"You have both shown bravery beyond anything I have ever expected of anyone." Dumbledore praised.

"Professor, when we were in the graveyard, there was a moment, when Voldemort's wand and ours sort of connected." I started.

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