10) In Study Hall

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Ft. Hogwarts Great Hall at Christmas

Harry's POV
I walked downstairs late the next morning, it was Christmas, but it wasn't very cheerful. Ron wouldn't come down that morning, deciding to stay away from the girls for a bit, though he would eventually get hungry and come down for breakfast. It was still a little early for that though and I found Hermione and Lily sitting on the couch in front of the fire, various people awake and chattering on the scattered sofas behind them. Emma and Ginny on the other side of Hermione, conversing quietly.

Hermione was still miserable, but no longer crying, leaning on Lily who was rubbing her shoulder with an arm wrapped around Hermione's back. I sat down beside my sister and she smiled at me. "Merry Christmas."

"You too." I smiled in turn. "Lil, I had another dream last night." She blinked at me. "It was the same one as last time, yet different. At the start, I was in a graveyard and there was a statue, then it went back to the house, but instead of the caretaker it was me they killed." She looked anxiously into the fire, as though it might show her the answers. "I'm sorry I should have told you another time, we can write to Sirius later. Where are the presents?"

She couldn't manage a smile but nodded gesturing to the floor in front of us, where a lot of presents sat, waiting patiently to be revealed. "Ron can come down and open zhem wiz us if he likes."

Though he was nervous he was brave enough to come and sit on the floor, watching the silent girls carefully, who ignored him and handed out presents, though the two on the end sent him a brief glare. Oh no, girl squad recruits. From Hermione I received a broom care kit refill, she always gave me one, because she gave me the kit in first year, but it was wonderful just the same. From the Weasley brothers Zonko products, and from Mr and Mrs Wealsey an annual Weasley jumper, this one with an H on it. Lily gave me a small dream glass, which was meant to prevent nightmares and Lily, Emma and Ginny collaborated in giving me my favourite HoneyDukes candy.

Lily's POV
From Fred, George and Ron I got me Zonko products, just like everyone else. From Hermione a personal Potion Kit, because she knew my favourite talent. Ginny and Emma gave me lily scented perfume. Harry me a silver bracelet that had a heart charm dangling off it, that was split in the middle and was only connected around the border. One side had Harry engraved in it, the other Lily, and on the back, it said; ''Twins Forever'.

I kissed him thankfully on the cheek, before turning back to open Mrs Weasley's annual Weasley jumped, this year and 'L' was on the front. One more mysterious present sat on the floor, which Ron passed up to me. It was small and could only be from one person. Draco. Opening it carefully, I saw a sash pouch and releasing the drawstrings, pulled out a beautiful golden necklace.

It was in the shape of a snake, studded with a mix of emeralds and rubies, representing our relationship; I a Gryffindor and he a Slytherin. I held out my wrist to Harry as he clasped his bracelet on, he then proceeded to clip the necklace around my neck. The snake was not too big, not too small.

"You know Harry, zhis is the second bracelet you've given me zhis year." He missed the teasing smile I tossed him.

He hung his head. "I know but I never know what to get you, plus that was meant for our birthday but it wasn't ready, so I've had it since October."

I rubbed his arm. "Well, I love it. I'm going upstairs to change. I'll meet you down at breakfast."

I stripped out of my pyjama shorts and singlet top, replacing them with skinny jeans and a silver knitted jumper Draco gave me for my last birthday, knowing it wouldn't be so warm out in the halls as it was in the dormitories.

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