9) Too Stunning For Words

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Ft. Draco and Lily

(If you don't like the dresses below, too bad, so so sad)

Lily's POV
Harry plonked down beside me on the plush red couch and let out an exhausted groan. "I finally asked Cho to go to the Ball with me, but she's already going with someone else, but she did say she was really sorry about it."

"I bet she's going with Cedric." It sort of instantaneously burst from my mouth. "You up for it?"

"Two galleons."

"Deal." I nodded. "Well at least you had zhe courage to ask her and zhat's zhe main zhing. You seem to have taken it better zhan I expected?"

He nodded distractedly gazing into the fire. The door to the common room swung opened, Ginny and Hermione stumbling in with a struggling-to-walk Ron, who seemed to be in a state of shock. "It's okay, Ron. It's alright, it doesn't matter."

"What happened to you?" Harry asked as we both stood from our seats so they could set Ron down instead.

"He just asked Fleur Delacour out." Ginny stated, sounding petrified herself.

My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. "You asked Fleur?! She's already got a date."

Ron shook his head. "There she was walking by, you know how I like it when they walk." I rolled my eyes and the two girls beside me fake gagged. "I couldn't help it, it sort of slipped out."

"Actually, he sort of screamed at her. It was a bit frightening." Ginny said.

I chuckled and patted Ron on the head. "Don't worry, Fleur won't hold it against you."

"So what did you do?" Harry asked.

"I ran for it. Seriously, Harry, I'm not cut out for this."

At that moment the Patil twins walked passed and smiled at Harry. "Hi, Harry." He half-heartedly waved back, before it dawned on him. He ran after them like his life depended on it. I shook my head and took a different seat to finish reading Ancient Law given to me for temporary use by Dumbledore.

There was a tap at the window to the common room as Harry came back from asking the Patil twins to accompany him and Ron to the Ball. He opened it for Hedwig, Tharni and two school owls, each holding the corner of a large box. He gave them each a treat before they flew on their way, bringing the parcel over to me and we sat down together.

"Look it's from Sirius." Harry peeled the letter off the box and read it aloud.
"Dear twins,
That is excellent news the two of you surviving your dragons, and Lily, taming a full-grown, nesting mother dragon isn't an easy feat. Congratulations.

I didn't need you to put it in a letter for me to sense the disappointment you have towards me due to my absence. To make matters worse the lead was a dead end. I sincerely apologise and hope to make it up to you by attending the second and third task.

Hope you are well and forgive me soon.
Love Sirius, xoxo

P.S In the box is a sort of 'forgive me?'/Christmas present for both of you. Have fun!"

I lifted the lid of the box, revealing a black garment, which Harry pulled out to display in front of him. "Harry, they're your dress robes."

I looked in the box once more and gasped at the sight.


Ginny impatiently stomped through the door in her cute little pink and green dress. "Lily are you ready ye- oh my..."

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