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Ft. Weasley Twins being the Weasley Twins

Lily's POV
There was one benefit of finishing the Second Task, everyone wanted every detail and for once the attention wasn't just on Harry and I, but Ron as well, who soaked it all up like a sponge in water. Though his stories grew wilder and more false every time I heard one. I mean at one point he was telling everyone how he fought off the merpeople at the bottom of the lake...when he was unconscious.

Then there's the fact of Barty Crouch being dead, murdered actually, and Harry and I being the unfortunates to find his cold corpse. So the two of us stepped off the Griffin that guards the headmaster's office and heard the calm and collected voice of Dumbledore himself coming from inside. "A man has died here Fudge, you must take action."

"I will not." Came the Minister for Magic's voice, Cornelius Fudge. "In times like these, the wizarding world looks to its leaders for strength!"

"Then for once show them some!" Dumbledore shouted, something unusual.

"The Triwizard Tournament will not be cancelled. I will not be seen as a coward!" Fudge yelled back.

"A true leader does what is right, no matter what others think."

"What did you say? What did you say to me?"

"Excuse me, gentlemen." Moody's voice interrupted the argument, Harry stepping forward to raise a hand to knock. "It may interest you to know, this conversation is no longer private."

The door opened and Harry stood there with his fist raised looking like an idiot. I sidestepped him into the office. "Oh Harry, Lily, how good it is to see you two again."

"Ah, we can come back later, professor." Harry said, already turning away.

"Not necessary, Harry. The minister and I are done. I'll only be back in a moment." Dumbledore escorted Fudge outside, Moody following and closed the door behind them.

I grabbed a Liquorice Snap from a bowl sitting at the front of the huge oak desk, biting down on its head before it could retaliate. Harry wasn't so fast and his Liquorice Snap bit him savagely on the hand. He stumbled back in surprise, dropping it and I suppressed a giggle, watching it bounding away. The wall he'd stumbled into opened up to reveal an enchanted basin, releasing a blue light. Cautiously, we walked over and I waved my wand over the shimmering water.

Sharing a nervous glance, we put our faces to the water, submerging them and watched the scene play out. We were just falling, no idea where we were and finally we plonked down into two seats, right beside a younger looking Dumbledore, I was on his right and Harry on his left. Looking around, we seemed to be in a courtroom and Moody sat behind us.

"Professor?" Harry asked incredulously.

"Professor." Said a man behind my brother. He poked his hand through Harry's chest and shook Dumbledore's hand. Harry rubbed his chest, but his hand didn't go through.

There was a clanking noise and in the middle of the room stood a cage, the cranking sound being a prisoner risen up into it from below."Igor Karkaroff," Harry and I whipped round to see Crouch sitting at a podium. Is he alive? "You have been brought here from Azkaban at your own request, to present evidence to this council. Should your testimony prove consequential, the Council may be prepared to order your immediate release. Until such a time, you remain in the eyes of the Ministry a convicted Death Eater. Do you accept these terms?"

Karkaroff nodded. "I do, sir."

"And what do you wish to present?" Crouch ordered.

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