11) Dad?

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Ft. Emmaline

Lily's POV
Harry and I walked side-by-side down towards the lake, Emmaline on his other side, Neville on mine, opened up his palms which held two piles of slimy-looking leaves. I took the one in his left hand. "Your sure about this Neville?" Harry asked, taking his own pile of Gillyweed. "For an hour?"

"That much Gillyweed should be enough."

"Should be?" I queried.

"I just wanted to help." Neville said, nervously.

I placed a grim smile on my cold face. "Well, zhat makes you a right side better zhan Ron, Hermione or my boyfriend. Where are zhey?" I spotted Blaise and the rest of the Slytherins, but no Draco.

Winter may be fading, but it wasn't warm enough to be outside and going for a swim. I'm sure my ears and nose were bright red from the chill breeze that slapped us in the face. Blaise idled up beside me. "Do you know where Malfoy is?"

I gaped at him. "What?! He didn't go back to the dorms last night?"

He shrugged. "We assumed you two had found a cosy classroom to shack up in."

I rolled my eyes. "The night before the second task? Yeah, sure."

Shaking my head, I watched round to see Fred and George leap into a self-rowing boat, Fred helping his sister and George turning around to take Emmaline's hand, helping her on to the boat. The four of us caught the next one and rowed out to the middle of the lake, where three giant watchtowers, with platforms at the bottom. Once at the platform, I stripped out of the Hogwarts jacket and tracksuit, revealing my plain navy blue swimmers, standing beside Harry who wore trunks and muscle shit, though he had nothing to fill it out with. The harsh cold wind whipped over the lake and bit at our bare skin, causing goosebumps to rise.

"Welcome to the second task." Dumbledore's voice boomed. "Last night, a treasure was stolen from each of our champions. These five treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface."

I put the Gillyweed in my mouth and tried not to regurgitate the slimy substance, Harry looked to be struggling as well, fidgeting wildly. "They will only have one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they're on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the sound of the cannon."

A boom filled the air and we dived into the icy water. I didn't wait to see where everyone else was swimming, I just swam forwards, across a barren plain of rock, the Gillyweed taking effect with gills around my neck and webbed hands and feet. These features allowed me to propel myself easily and quickly through the water, doing a few body twists, gliding over the rock under I wasn't above rock anymore, I was hovering above a dark cavern, which I couldn't see the bottom of. The was the feeling of breath hitting me underwater behind me and I came face-to-face with the giant skid.

I'm sure my eyes are as wide as saucers staring into its huge eye, which would be the size of me. He blinked, watching me curiously. Timidly, an orange pinky coloured tentacle came up beside me, tickling my side. I let out a laugh, causing the creature to blink. Taking the appearance of the gentle giant as a good omen, I swam down, down, down. The water here was darker and murkier than above, where the sunlight made everything light, the temperature also rapidly dropped. I'm surprised my limbs haven't cramped up with the effort yet, but that may be due to the Gillyweed.

I got to the bottom, only just seeing it in time through the dark to swerve and not crash into it. Swimming out of the underwater cavern, I entered the kelp forest, their stalks slimy against my skin. The beautiful singing I had heard from the egg only two nights before, sounded again, the humming floating through the water. Up ahead I saw Fleur, she was ahead of everyone, at that, I glanced around to make sure no one else had caught up. When I looked back, Fleur was gone.

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