Chapter 10

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The school bell rang, students filed out of class like cattle. Kayla strolled out calmly and rejoiced for the sun. It was much better than being trapped in a classroom, with monotone lectures and the sound of graphite itching over paper. Thank goodness for the pep rally. Her phone buzzed in her bag, she eagerly took it out, a smile coming over her face when she saw who the sender was.

Cody: Hey Kayla! You wanna sit together for the rally? :)

Students pushed past her as she made her way amongst them to the gym.

Kayla: Sure, that'd be great!

He replied immediately.

Cody: Cool I was hoping you'd say that :) I'll save you a seat on the visitor's side :p

She happily put her phone away and nearly jumped with excitement. Cody had become somewhat of a best friend in the past few weeks, when Raul left her with him, it turned out to be the best thing he'd ever done. Now, her and Cody were closer than ever, and it was all thanks to him. She forgot all about her horrible situation when she thought about him, and she was her happiest when they were together, because for those precious hours, life was perfect again, and she knew everything would be okay.

Amarie came up behind her, giving a playful nudge with her shoulder. Her black hair reflected the sun with a glimmer, and her cheerleader uniform was tight on her body, it displayed her shape, and the short skirt boasted her strong, springy legs. Red and Black colors painted the uniform, and 'Bobcats' in bold stitching streaked across it. Across her shoulder blades, her last name was sewn on perfectly, with the word 'captain' right under it.

"How are you doing with the whole...thing?" She asked quietly.

Kayla frowned. She disliked the people who never ceased to remind her of it.

"I try not to think about it." She said simply.

Boys eyed Amarie like she was a treasure, while girls ignored her. Amarie was popular for being the cheer captain, beautiful, and attending all the parties that mattered. Kayla was well known for being part of the top 10 scholars in her class, and was quite outgoing, but she wasn't seen at parties like her cousin. Especially now, since it would lead to breaking the rules of the contract her father made.

"Okay, well I want to ask you something, about Cody?" Amarie continued carefully.

Kayla hid her uneasiness and nodded like everything was okay, "What about him?"

"I heard you two go up to the summit all the time. You aren't doing anything you shouldn't be, are you?"

Kayla scoffed, "Do you smell him on me?" She replied sassily. Cody wasn't a subject she wanted to discuss with Amarie. The girl had eyes on him too, and she did not want to be reminded about the terms of the agreement, especially from her. Even if they had done something suspicious, it was nobody's business, and it should have never been this way. In fact, hanging out with Cody was the same as hanging out with Raul, so why did everyone seem to have a problem with it? Sure, she was actually attracted to Cody, but that wouldn't make her do anything stupid.

"No need to get defensive. I was just making sure." Amarie moped. "Are you going to prom with him too?"

"I can't." Said Kayla, "You know that."

There was silence for a moment. "I'm sorry about all of this, Kayla. I just hope you're not hurting yourself more, by continuing to follow him around."

Kayla froze. Following him around? What was that supposed to mean? She knew she couldn't have a future with him, but she still had two years of slight freedom left, maybe something could change, she refused to assume that it was all over for her. The way she implied Kayla's desperation stung her deeply. This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. All of nature was against the path her father was bulldozing for her to follow. She was supposed to happily marry Cody, not fight to be with him for mere minutes. It should have drifted easily into place, they would date, become the "it" couple of the school and the pack, grow up and disappear to college together. Then, they would return with their new knowledge, engagement rings gleaming proudly. The pack would rejoice, all effort would be exhausted for the wedding, until finally, it would happen. They'd be mated, and Cody would do what her father never could, he would drive the filthy Serius Pack out for good.

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