Chapter 14

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This was a disaster. Now he had to go to a petty dance with her. Damian couldn't believe what he had said. He didn't really want to go with her, he wanted nothing to do with her. Unfortunately his cousins, and Regina, wanted everything to do with her. They wanted to make her life a living hell every chance they got. Which, was actually a bit funny, seeing the way she bristled when she got angry. She wasn't scary, or even intimidating, at all, she was just funny.

Poor thing, thought Damian, she probably doesn't even realize it.

She'd been raised in a pack that worshipped the ground she walked on. Silly tantrums she had, were enough to send them running with their tails between their legs. Therefore, she grew up thinking she was terrifying and intimidating when she was furious. He let out a little chuckle thinking about that. The Pelisians were such wimps.

He had watched Regina and his cousins heckle her from far away, and laughed a little about it. She had some witty comebacks, he did give her that credit. That must be how she got out of whatever physical encounters that may have been brought to her, and if her smart talk didn't work, Raul was there to settle it for her. But now, she didn't have him, he'd seen and heard every word between them at the diner. Raul had found a mate, and he was tired of Kayla's stubborn resistance. He wouldn't be around to guard her anymore.

He thoughtfully rubbed his chin. She lacked greatly in the intimidation factor, and she was obviously someone who would lose hopelessly in a fight. That was why they had been so comfortable to get so close to her. When they'd done that, Damian began to get concerned, because they didn't just want to taunt her, they wanted to hurt her. They were ready to. He couldn't let that happen, a war would kill people, and bring hunters. That was the last thing he wanted for his pack.

He would have to keep a close eye on his cousins, and make sure they stayed away from any other Pelisians. They were ticking time bombs, he was not going to allow their bold actions to hurt everyone. That was why he decided on the dance, there would be many Pelisians there, making it too easy for them to hurt someone, angering the Pelisians, who would retaliate. But, he couldn't get in without a date from Mountain View High School, so, he had to use Kayla.

He shuddered at the thought of having to be there with her. He planned to attend the prom on strict business, to keep his cousins from destroying anything. But, just the thought of her being there, all whiney, and bratty, demanding drinks, wanting a dance, it made him feel sick. What did she even want to do with a prom, anyway? She was only a sophomore, it wasn't even for her, it was for juniors and seniors. Then again, that Cody character she was always with was a junior, maybe it was because of him.

Damian had gone to his school's prom last year, with Regina, when they were juniors. He hadn't thought much of it, they danced a bit, and left early, picked up by Kevin, to party, and do illegal things. It had felt like such a waste, that this year, he had intended on skipping his senior prom, much to Regina's disappointment. Then, after the disastrous fight at the basketball game between the students, Snow Valley's prom was cancelled as punishment. He was surprised to see Mountain View's still scheduled, but then again, it was to be expected that those brats would still get it. He hadn't cared, because he wasn't interested in ANY prom, especially Mountain View's, and now, he needed to attend it anyway, thanks to his stupid cousins, with his fiance.

Being her date was only the beginning, in two years time, he would have to marry her! At 19 years old, he was being wed away and expected to care for a wife, mate that was forced on him. He had never planned to marry at such a young age, he wanted to go to medical school, become a doctor, and open up his own practice. He'd be able to care for his pack's health, while leading them, employ a few of them too. Now, all those plans were complete rubbish.

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