Chapter 46

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Kayla ran as fast as her legs could possibly carry her, she needed to mask her scent somehow. There was a farm on the base of the southeastern mountains that had always smelled absolutely horrid to her. When she was younger, she'd always wondered why her father kept such a rank, disgusting place on his territory, it wasn't pretty and she felt it should belong to Serius. Then, she grew up and learned that the farm actually had a lot of agricultural value, and it was in her pack's best interest to keep it within their borders, even if the farm owner wasn't a lobain.

Abandoned and singed now, it looked like the sight of a horror story, and rotting flesh from the farm animals that died from smoke inhalation mixed in with the manure. It made her eyes water. She quickly crawled under the porch to bury the remote that would kill her mother, and then jumped into what used to be a large tub where the horses would drink water. It was thick and slimy now, setting into her fur and making her smell like some kind of dead, wet, dog-horse. She let herself trip and roll over the dirt and old feces, becoming one with the rotten farm.

It was absolutely disgusting.

She sprinted into the barn, the death smell was concentrated in there, in every stall lay an unfortunate creature. It was so strong that her instincts screamed at her to get out of there, to get far away from the Death. That was why she went further in, and chose to burrow herself in a tight corner behind a massive cow that had died laying over a pile of loose hay. She shrunk under the hay just behind it's cold body. She tried to breathe through her mouth, but that only made her taste the flesh that would sicken her for eating it. She hoped Kevin would heed to his instincts like Damian, and stay away from the barn.

Her paws began to burn, ants that were taking the cow apart piece by piece had found her, and they were biting. She licked them off her paws, they tingled her throat as they crawled down to her stomach, but at least in her stomach they couldn't bite. She heard someone step into the barn, and she froze, her heart rate accelerated.

He came further in, and shifted back into his human form, he didn't care that he was completely naked, or that his toes had just sunken into a rotting rooster. He only cared about finding his prey.

"Where are you hiding?" He called out. "I'll admit, this smelly place makes it a bit difficult, but when you're afraid, you sweat, and when you sweat, your true scent comes out. I'll find you under all of this." He growled, approaching her haystack.

She must have swallowed 50 ants, but that was useless when there were thousands of them, and they were fast. They were on her stomach, chest, and back now. Crawling about through the fluff of her tail, and it took all her will power not to whip them off with a sharp wag. She could feel a wave of them on her neck, making their way up to her ears, there was one tickling her snout. Her fur was thick, so at first they were only brushing her with their tiny legs, but it didn't take long for them to sink under both layers of fur, and begin biting her skin, everywhere. It hurt so much, and panic began to grip her because she couldn't shake them off. They were eating her alive and she couldn't get them off. She wanted to scream, but she kept her jaws closed tight.

Kevin launched a pitchfork into the hay, dangerously close to her.

Kill me. She thought, just find me and kill me already.

"There you are." Kevin snarled, she could hear the smile in his voice.

He didn't stab her with the pitchfork, or reach in and pull her out of this pit of hellish ants. Instead, he sprinted out of the barn on the chase, toward the horses corral near the forest.

Kayla didn't question it. She couldn't think about anything but the evil biting ants all over her body. She leapt out of the hay and sprinted out of the barn, falling, rolling, shaking. They wouldn't come off, they were buried too deep beneath her fur and only got angry with her thrashing. They bit harder. She needed to take the fur off. She needed to get them off!

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